5/9 So how can we Help people to get out of a Cult back into Christian Foundations?

For those of us who have had loved ones or even our neighbours involved in what appears to be a Cult group, how can we help them see the control, deception and misguided teachings of their beloved group?  Are they interested in leaving or is it fear and threats that keep them stuck in the group?

Here are some suggestions to help people who are in the Cults to see the freedom and grace that Father God offers.


Christian Foundations presents the ‘Four Corners’ Report on Scientology, 1/5

The following information on the Cult Group known as ‘Scientology’ was presented by Alucard9692010 on March 10, 2010.  It is the first of a 5 part story written by the ‘Four Corners’ TV News program.  This might help with your understanding of the group.


 Also see the Post taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


5/8 How do you Identify a Cult from Recognised Christian Foundations?

Some groups are accused of being a cult; even some Christian groups that hold to a very Biblical foundation.  So what are the signs of a Cult?  How can you tell if the group you associate with, really is a Cult?  Here are some guidelines how help you spot what is a Cult and what is a Godly, loving groups of Christian believers.


Except for the ambitions and driven of the leader/s, most cults will appear to do good works.  If this were not the perception, members would not join the Cult.  Most people involved are usually moral and possess ethical standards and beliefs.

4/9 Some Statements to think Through on your Beliefs

The following are some statements coming from several sources.  Think through whether the statement is true or false.  Then tick the box you think the statement belongs to:

B=Biblical, NA=New Age, H=Humanism, R=Religions, C=Christian Cults

Statements Made:






1. There is only one God and all paths lead to Him.

2. Jesus was just another good, very wise Man who showed His time how to live.

3. I’m okay, you’re okay just the way you are.

4. Man is a higher evolved form of animal.

YouTube – Gods of the New Age: New Age Brainwashing Exposed

One of the major challenges to the Christian faith is that of the teachings of the New age.  Here is a YouTube video by NylaRossini on July 10, 2011.  It has been called ‘The Best Video on the New Age Movement ever made’.

It is certainly an eye-opening film of the Yoga Meditation, Eastern Mysticism, PsychologicaI Therapy, Self-Help, Mind Control and much more.  The team focuses on the eerie world of ego-maniacal gurus and their western counterpats, New Agers. ‘The definitive work!’


Christian Foundations – YouTube on the Beliefs of the Mormons

Christian Foundations presents another YouTube Video on ‘What the Mormons Believe’ by TackleboxMinistries on Oct 13, 2009.  Interesting to see their beginning and what they believe will happen at the end of their earthly journey!

Here is a second YouTube by the oneminuteapologist on Nov 29, 2011.  The program is interviewing Dr. Richard G. Howe, a leading expert in the area of Mormon beliefs, on ‘What do Mormon’s Believe?’