7/7 – An Old Testament example of slavery’s iron fist instead of Freedom

Remember, our Life is meant to be a Journey

We have already talked about how we have only these 60, 80 to 100 years to learn the lessons that will lead us into eternity.  This is our ‘Training Ground’, our ‘Boot Camp’ that leads us toward our eternal destination.  How we need to help our heart see the Big picture, the over-view of our Creator’s purposes in His ‘Great Rescue Plan’!

 A Living Parable for us today: the Hebrew Nation

1.  Parables from the Old Testament

7/6 Jackson’s Story about Christian Foundations

We have added a story to help you see how having a slave mind set can influence our walk with the Lord.  We present Jackson’s story!

In coming to Jesus, my life was totally turned upside down! No more would I visit my favourite pubs or bars.  Close so-called friends dropped away in my new found celibacy.  My language even cleaned up so I had to learn new words to replace the X-rated ones I used to use.

7/5 Great Christian Music selected by Christian Foundations

From time to time, we will present some great music that will help soothe your spirit and allow the peace of the Lord to enter the room where you sit.  Chose to allow the words to sink into your Heart.  Enjoy “I can Only Imagine”!


 Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



7/4 A slave with the wrong idea of their Master

We will spend one more post talking about the ‘Slave mindset’ we all had before we came into the Kingdom.  Self-centred thinking marked our way of dealing with issues and relationships…in the past.  We aimed for wht ever we thought would bring uu happiness, whether through the perfect job, spouse, children, home and holidays.  However, for most of us, we never quite reached perfection in all the areas we needed…so ‘happiness’ remained that elusive dream.