6/7 6 Stages of Growth in our walk with Jesus on Christian Foundations

We can see at least 6 different terms relating to our growth in Jesus’ Kingdom. These stages can overlap but the general direction needs to be growth upward through the stages. As with each stage, many are content to just sit at the level of growth.

1. We all came into God’s kingdom as a Slave:

We all Slave to the world’s way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations, its drives and signs of success. Entering the kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colossians 1:13.  We are set free from power of sin which kept us as slaves before Jesus touched our life, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1.

The Six Stages of Growth as a New Creation

We can see at least 6 different terms relating to our standing in Jesus’ Kingdom.  These stages can overlap but the general direction needs to be growth upward through the stages.  As with each stage, many are content to just sit at the level of growth. 

1.  We all came into God’s kingdom as a Slave:  We all Slave to the world’s way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations.  Entering the kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colossians 1:13.  We are set free from power of sin, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1.  We are freed from the evils of this world, dead to sin and the world, able to defeat the world.  We are free from condemnation and guilt that once follows someone who does not know that are created to walk with the Lord.