Christian Foundations Spiritual Gifts Assessment

This Spiritual Gifts Assessment has been designed to assist you in the identification of your primary gifts.  There are certain character qualities that often correspond to specific gifts in one’s life. 

Print off a copy of this survey for  your own use.  Rate yourself on a 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) scale on those statements that are true and best describe you or your tendencies most of the time.  Total the numbers of the Section in the space given.


____ More expressive/dominant than submissive/tolerant/inhibited

____ Feels responsible to confront people with the truth.

Talking with God and Using Spiritual Gifts – Quick Review


We have been going through the Christian Foundations and the place of the Church in your world.  This post is a quick revisions and an encouragement to find a group of people and begin to practice.

There are many ways you can do this; Birthday blessings is just one idea.  Most people here have already been taught about the Gifts and Talents given by the Lord Jesus to His church.  Remember, the main reason the Lord gives Gifts to His Church is to build up, strengthen and grow His Body of Believers into maturity. 

6/3 What Structures do we find in Churches Today?

As we continue to lay out the basic points of the church in our Christian Foundations blog, we next look at what we call ‘church’ today compared with what the early church looked like.  We turn to church authority, some basic church leadership principles and a brief look at church government structures we find around us.  Even in these topics, we must remember that Jesus is coming back for His Bride.  Are you in that group of people?


Another topic that is considered as Christian Foundations is that of Church authority.  Several things need to be discussed here:

6/2 What is the Place of the Church in your LIfe?

In our previous post, we considered why the Lord Jesus wanted a group of people He called ‘The Church’.   We continue the previous post with the actions and symbolism that Jesus expected from His people.  We also saw that this group turned the known world upside down with His love and teachings.  So what has happened to the power and strength of the church today that same even say: “Jesus I love but the Church … not so much” 

As we continue with what Jesus called His people to do, remember the doing comes from the primary relationship with Him; our actions symbolise our faith in His guidance and love.

6f Christian Foundation – The Holy Spirit Produces Jesus in us

So far in our blog we have been discussing the Christian Foundations on who the Holy Spirit is, His character, nature and work in the Old Testament.  Then we continued with His work in the New Testament and in Jesus Follower’s lives.  In doing this research, I personally and continually will be amazed at how the depth and strength of our faith rests in the amount we allow the Holy Spirit to be in our life!  We have that choice!

7d. Christian Foundations – Take your Stand!

In our recent posts, we discussed how change and growth is the natural position of all Christians.  We looked at what ‘born again’ really means and how to develop more into what our Creator has laid out for us.

As we continue to look at Growth and change for the Jesus Follower, we journey into the areas of what Jesus actually brought as our ‘Good News’!  Jesus gained undeniable rights for us as His followers but we must learn what His life, death and resurrection bought for us.  Otherwise, we are missing the greatest part of what being a true Jesus Followers is all about.