Sunday Cuppa’ with Susanne – Purpose of Life

Recently, we have been working on a series called ‘The Covenants of God’ for the Hearing your Creator’s Voice blog site.

I’ve asked myself why this is so important.  In fact, it was helping to write doing this study as a Correspondence course some years ago that my own faith grew deeper and deeper.

I realised how much our loving Creator was in control of all of human history from the stories of Adam and Eve through to the final, end eternity awaiting us all.

3/2 Christian Foundations and who is the Trinity?

In our last post, we laid out the importance of knowing not only what we believe but also why we hold such faith before we can share it with otherwise. 

We presented the Place and Importance of Scriptures, the Bible that we hold to as the foundation for all doctrines and beliefs.  Only when we have a firm foundation can we face the Challenges to the Christian faith.

 Continue with me as we explore the teachings about ‘The Trinity’,


3/1 Challenges to the Foundations of Christian Faith

In this series for Christian Foundations, we will look at the Challenges to the Christian Faith.  What forces are working for remove Christianity from our society? ….of what forces are trying to replace or to prevent Truth from being shared? 

Of course we know that behind the negative actions of people in society that are trying to remove Christianity as Jesus taught it are not human in origin.  “We fight not against flesh and blood but against….” 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Christian Foundations & a Story about Susanne

“In the year 1943, Susan, daughter of Fay and Granddaughter of Frances, was born.  Her early life was marked by moves and several major changes in family life.  She knew no stable, permanent relationship with a father, other than that of Father God.

“In the year 1959, Susan accepted her calling as King and High Priest of the Lord.  To begin with, her service to the Lord of Lords, King Jesus, was marked more by worldly peer group activities than love for His service.  Her awareness of the Most High God’s love grew, but she was not dealing with her heart’s inner and secret life.  She was not taught to: