3/3b Christian Foundations and End Time Events

We continue with our study of ‘Esctology’ or End time Events.  In our previous post, we defined our present time period as ‘The Church Age’ .  This started with Jesus’ resurrection and will last until He returns. Then we went on to the different views on the coming world Tribulation and the Rapture, when Jesus collects His people.  After that, we saw the Judgement of the saints, living and dead and the defeat of Satan.

Now we continue with the remaining themes about the end times:

7.  The Millennium

3/5b The Beliefs of Secular Humanism

Welcome back to Part two in our study on Humanism.  In our first post in this series on Humanism, we discussed the definition of ‘Humanism’ and who this world view stands in direct opposition to the teachings of the Bible.

In this post, we want to look the basic beliefs system behind why this challenge to Christianity. 



The following are an explanation of the common views of Humanism.  In fact, many of these views you may recognise as your own.  Other views are totally opposite to your faith while some of these beliefs might even be valuable – if they were accomplished through the Holy Spirit rather than the efforts of man trying to save themselves.

3/5a The Challenge of Secular Humanism

 So far we have looked at the Foundational teachings of the Christian faith as a basis for our beliefs. We have covered the overview of why Christianity is being challenged, who is the Trinity, topics about the Holy Spirit and finished with a quick look at what scholars call ‘End Time Events’.

 Around 1990 into 2000, a pastor named Barry Smith began to see world leaders and governments moving into what was to be called ‘The New World Order’.  The Holy Spirit began to pull Scriptures together to show the end times would involve a one world monetary, military, government and religion systems.

3/4a Christian Foundations and the End of Time Events

We continue with the Christian Foundations series on the Challenges to the Christian Faith.  So far we have laid the basis of what Jesus Followers hold as truth from what the Bible explains about the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God the Creator.

 There is one more major ‘doctrine’ or teaching from the Bible that we need to establish as a foundation, that of ‘Escatology’ or the views about ‘End Time Events’.  It seems little is being taught in our churches today about the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of saints and the eternity we all will experience.

3/3 Christian Foundations and who is the Holy Spirit?

Welcome back to our Christian Foundations blog!  So far we have set out the importance of knowing not only what we believe but also why we believe as we do to share with others.  Being Jesus Followers isn’t all glory and light but I’m sure you’ve notice that already.  Sometimes it is resting and walking the path He calls you to …rough or smooth.

 So far we have laid out why the Bible is our foundation and what the Bible teaches about the Trinity.  Then, in our last post ‘Who is the Trinity’, we explained the Father, Son, Holy Spirit teaching that has been the basis for the Christian faith since the time of Jesus.

6c. The Holy Spirit and Being a Jesus Follower

As we continue with this series on the Foundations of the Christian Faith, we next want to present more basics for the Jesus Follower.  So far we have discuss creation, the fall of the human race, Father God’s Great Rescue plan and the life of Jesus Christ.

1.  All religions are the same?

Recently I had a conversation with someone who had researched all the different religions, cults and faiths in the world.  What an extensive list of the different ways humans use as a way to reach God.

My companion continued with this comment: “There really is no difference between all these religions and Christianity!”