6/34 YouTube: Emerging Dangers of the Emergent Church

As we continue with our theme on the Emerging Church, here is another interesting YouTube video on the same theme.

Pastor Bob warns the group around himabout the dangers in the emerging church movement.  He concern is that Christians are being , which really is diverging Christians from the truth of God’s Word, uploaded by HorizonNorthCounty on Jul 5, 2008


 Remember to leave any comments on this theme as I would value my reader’s opinions,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



#13. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

What do you think about the church? 

“So why don’t you go to church?  No mentoring and guidance program to feed new Christians.

“So we just abandon the new believers in our church meeting?  How are they to understand the Bible if they are not encouraged to even read it?  We have a Soup Kitchen and ‘Seeker Friendly’ services were we attend church so we get alot of ‘weird and wonderfuls’ coming through our doors.

#12. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

Here is another reader’s comments about the church world he finds around us:

“Are we supposed to attend these churches?”

“It seems like apostate churches are all around me. I, like many other Christians, don’t even attend church anymore. I feel guilty for not being in church and guilty for when I am (due to the apostasy). If you try to speak up about anything, you get run out, shunned, called judgemental and many other things.

“I have seen seminary from the inside.  I worry for the future of the church. Furthermore, it’s not at all surprising that the denominations embracing the Emergent Church the most are the ones that are withering and dying the fastest.