September 11th, 2014
The following is s Guest post by my husband, Daniel. He wanted to share his experience in learning to hear from the Lord Jesus.
“Today I would like to encourage you to pursue an intimate relationship with God.
“We have been in ministry for over 25 years in Christian counselling and teaching and can forcefully proclaim that the biggest impediment to successful living is not having a two-way relationship with Jesus. You have the right to hear your Heavenly Father’s voice on a daily basis! Read more... (826 words, 4 images, estimated 3:18 mins reading time)
Tags: Daniel's testimony
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship, Susanne's top posts | No Comments »
August 22nd, 2014
This stage of growth involves moving from self perceived realities to learning to hear the Master’s voice. For many people, the fact that their Creator wants to talk to them is a major revelation. How do we do this in a practical way?
One of the biggest ‘aha’ revelations is that our Creator and Lord of life wants to walk and talk with us – as individuals. He still talks to us today. One of my other blogs is dedicated to this topic: Come check it out, especially if hearing from God is a new idea to you. Read more... (1713 words, 5 images, estimated 6:51 mins reading time)
Tags: Hearing from God
Filed under: About our Christian Foundations Blog | No Comments »
May 5th, 2014
When we pass from being a slave in the kingdom – with all the slave thinking patterns from the world still dogging us – we enter a new growth stage.
It is possible in our current ways of looking at the Christian religion and the system church to sail passed what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit, thinking it was for then but not for now. It is possible to ‘do church’ with all its meetings and greetings …. and leave out the Holy Spirit! Read more... (843 words, 2 images, estimated 3:22 mins reading time)
Tags: Holy Spirit
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
July 7th, 2014
As we learn to become more and more to develop that servant Heart as we follow Jesus, growth will happen. We grow from the slavery thoughts and behaviours of the world into a new way of looking at life! This information is so important we have dedicated a whole blog to the subject!
We have stressed how important this is for all Jesus Followers! Here is one of the founding teachers in this area: Mark Virkler and his book: “4 keys to Hearing God’ Voice”. See where you are in hearing from the Lord and how you can expand your walk with Him. Read more... (419 words, 2 images, estimated 1:41 mins reading time)
Tags: keys to hearing God
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
July 25th, 2014
We continue to look at the transformation from the slave, with all the slave thinking of this world, into that of a servant. How we think sets the way we think the world operates. Learn to catch the lies that might still keep you trapped in the slave’s thinking.
By catching more of these half-troths and outright lies out heart might believe, we can step more and more into that new Creation. Here are 40 typical mindsets of the slave before we become a child of the Living God!
Tick those areas in your life that need Father God’s ‘re-designing’. Read more... (702 words, 2 images, estimated 2:48 mins reading time)
Tags: 40 statements
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship, Resources to help you grow | No Comments »
April 8th, 2014
We have been discussing the progression from the slave to the Sonship status. Remember we all begin as a slave, with slave thinking from the world around us. One of the biggest issues for the journey to progress is an understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and what He is doing in our lives. How can you catch the ‘Day of your Salvation’ as we discussed earlier without knowing the Power source behind your growth? Let’s let me introduce you to the Holy Spirit! Read more... (1654 words, 4 images, estimated 6:37 mins reading time)
Tags: Who is the Holy Spirit
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »