Christian Foundations looks at times ‘When I Don’t Desire God’

 So it is possible to be a Stewart but not be following where Jesus is!  Down that path is ‘burnout’ – whether tithingyou’re a music leader, a home group leader, MOPS or even a pastor!   True servanthood is about using His gifts to us versus striving in a church system to build another’s kingdom here on earth. 

You can be involved in all the right acts of being a Christian: tithing, going to meetings, Sunday school and all the other related activities, and still be caught in legalism and judgement.  It’s  then that God’s love and grace can seem far away.

When I don't desire GodWhen anyone hits church burnout or disillusionment, whatever ‘the box’ they are involved with, their desire to grow and seek God is often crippled or even stopped.  Here is a great book that discusses this deeper issue: ‘When I don’t Desire God.’

Here is one person’s comment about the book:

“We all want to experience liberating, love-producing, risk-taking satisfaction in God. ….but the reality is that we often struggle to find, and hold onto, true and lasting joy — even when we have embraced the good news of God’s grace. So we face a crucial question: What should I do when I don’t desire God?

“John Piper aims to help us find joy in Jesus that is so deep and so strong that it frees us from bondage to comfort and security, and impels us to live merciful and missional lives.

“This book has been written with the radical hope that all Christians would experience the fullness of life in Christ, this book will help you fight for joy daily by leading you to rediscover the soul-satisfying glory of God.”

You can buy this book through my affiliate code with The Book Depository:’t-desire-God/9781433543173/?a_aid=kimbo72

Susanne Fengler. Blog Author

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