6/34 YouTube: Emerging Dangers of the Emergent Church

As we continue with our theme on the Emerging Church, here is another interesting YouTube video on the same theme.

Pastor Bob warns the group around himabout the dangers in the emerging church movement.  He concern is that Christians are being , which really is diverging Christians from the truth of God’s Word, uploaded by HorizonNorthCounty on Jul 5, 2008


 Remember to leave any comments on this theme as I would value my reader’s opinions,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



6/33 Guest Post: From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly

SharonIn this blog, we have been discussing the Challenges to the Christian Faith, including the the Counterfeit Religious System.  We recently began to discuss this topic with one of our Guest writer, Pastor Sharon White.  Her heart has often been to see the Lord’s people step into the calling we have.  In responce to the topic of the Emerging Church, she wrote us this post.


#18. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

Another reader’s comment on going to Church, the building rather than being Church, His people:

“I see now how I am guilty of what you wrote in this post. The church has failed and so have I. The church should be filled with old and young, rich and poor, thieves and CEOS because ultimately we all thirst for the same thing, Jesus Christ.

“We are all in need of repentance, redemption, and reconciliation. Let us not abandon the church until we find one that fits our mold but let us be the church; sanctified and broken in communion with God.

YouTube Christian Music – ‘I Lift my Hands’ by Chris Tomlin

Here is another song that will fill your heart with worship.  It is a YouTube video music by Chris Tomlin -called ‘I Lift My Hands’.  It was uploaded by katesg on May 30, 2011.  Enjoy

I trust you have enjoyed this song as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


#15. Readers Respond: Define Emerging Church?

Here is another view from readers on the topic of going to the box we call church –

“I think it’s very important to look into ‘Emergent Churches’ on a church-by-church basis. I’ve attended quite a few churches people label as emergent, but have a very conservative theological foundation.

“They believe in the absolute authority of scripture, they just question fundamental views that don’t have conspicuous scriptural backing. It’s like Luther, liberally reforming against the conservative Catholic biblical understandings. Luther shed off traditional teachings, but still based everything on scripture… likewise a lot of “emerging” AND “emergent” churches are doing the same thing.

6/32 Another view of Jefferson Bethke’s comments on the Church

We have selected several responses to the YouTube “Religion I hate…but Jesus I love” by Jeffery Bethke. Here is another interesting reply adapted  from: Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus, Patheos Website ‘The Smackdown.mht.  Remember to leave your own comments at the end of this post.

“Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, religion is a joke. This is made apparent not only in the words, but in the actions of Jesus Christ. Whether you believe in the sacraments or not, there is no doubt that Christ established ritual. It’s one thing to ignore Christ’s statement to “eat my body.” It’s another to ignore his command to “do this in memory of me.” Christ commanded that we have rituals.