6/29 Guest Post: Emerging vs. Emergent Churches: Clearing up the Confusion

Christian Foundations presents a Guest By Jason Carlson Distributed by www.worldviewweekend.com  (Used with Permission)

 What is the difference between the “emerging” church and the “emergent” church? In recent years these two terms, often used interchangeably, have raised much confusion, consternation, and debate within the Christian community. Are these terms synonymous? Should we differentiate them? And should the movements they represent concern us?

6/28 So what is the ‘Emerging church movement?’

Part Three: The Emerging Church – a Continuum of Beliefs

In this section of our series on the Counterfeit Church as a Challenge to Christian Foundations, we shall want to continue to discuss the sense of dissatisfaction people have expressed with the traditional church. 

More and more Christians say the usual ways of “doing church” no longer resonate in a contemporary, postmodern culture. Seeking to fill the gap, a growing movement called “the emerging church”.   They are seeking to develop new forms of worship and theological questioning for “a new cultural context”.

#12. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

Here is another reader’s comments about the church world he finds around us:

“Are we supposed to attend these churches?”

“It seems like apostate churches are all around me. I, like many other Christians, don’t even attend church anymore. I feel guilty for not being in church and guilty for when I am (due to the apostasy). If you try to speak up about anything, you get run out, shunned, called judgemental and many other things.

“I have seen seminary from the inside.  I worry for the future of the church. Furthermore, it’s not at all surprising that the denominations embracing the Emergent Church the most are the ones that are withering and dying the fastest.

6/27 A Summary on the Counterfeit Religious System

So far in our Blog on the Challenges to Christianity, we have been looking at the fifth issues Jesus Followers must face – that of the Counterfeit Religious System.  Jesus and the Apostle Paul warned us that there were be imitations of the real Good news. 

They warmed such groups would come who would aim for the power and glory as a selfish ambition for recognition beyond what the Holy Spirit would give.  The major aim would be to draw people away from the truth in Jesus’ message of grace versus works. 

6/26 ‘They Speak with Other Tongues’ a Humorous look at Church Jargon

The following is a humorous look at the ‘church jargon’ we so eaisly use.  We need to learn to speak in ways that the ‘pre-believer’ can understand!  We posted this in the series on understanding the Church.

We had such a good response to this funny story, we have re-posted it for your enjoyment.


“Have you ever been saved?” A rather wide-eyes young fellow startled me with his question as we walked for the bus. He handed me a booklet with a picture of hell on the front.

6/25 Understand the three-part nature of our Bridegroom

In one of our past posts, we referred to the Lord Jesus as the coming Bridegroom.  He comes for a pure and spotless bride.  Will we be ready? 

One very important lesson we – as the church – need to learn is the true nature of the Lord Jesus.  Here is one way to see Him as three parts to His ‘role’ or His purpose in our life.

Just like His name, we can know Jesus as the Christ, as the Lord of all and then as Jesus, that One who walks and talks with us.