#10. Readers Respond: Church Leadership Patterns are a Hindrance

 Here is another comment from readers about how they feel about the modern day ‘church’.

“Does Hebrews 10:25 translate to “go to ‘church’ on Sundays?” Today we’re gathering both locally and virtually with others all over the world.

There are few if any New Testament prescriptions for exactly how a “gathering” should happen. This is especially important when you consider today’s standard “church service” — which is little more than an invention of early Roman religious culture.

6/14 The Foundations of Jesus’ message for Christian Faith

Before we launch into further discussion we need to know more about the Foundations of the Christian message. 

1.  What did Jesus really teach? 

From that basis, we can see where the other ‘streams’ of the Counterfeit are coming into the church.

An important part of Christian growth comes by understanding the concept of God’s Law versus God’s grace.  Any striving to please Him – which can even be ‘following instructions to gain His approval’ – or the approval of others, is working under ‘law’.

2.  Jesus came to bring the message: “Hey!  Dad isn’t angry with us anymore!  It is safe to come home!”

#9. Readers Respond: We had a Great women’s group but what about the men?

Another reader’s comments about their experience of the modern day church:

“We had this great Women’s group at the church that really covered topics you wouldn’t find on Sunday morning.  We grew and grew, divided and continued to grow.  It was really blessed and fun as well. 

“We covered topics like ‘Conflict Resolution the Christian way’, ‘Mother Issues’, Facing inner Heart Conflicts’, ‘Father Heart and Dad issues’, Freemason generational curses – all centred in what the Lord was saying to each of us.

“We asked for this same level of teaching to be offer to our husbands, brothers and other males in our church.  Hhuuummm …didn’t happen.

#8. Readers Response: “Compromises in the real Message”

Why Don’t You Go to Church?  “Compromises in the real Message”

“I don’t know if you have noticed how organised religion keeps compromising in an effort to keep people in the church. I am not referring to one specific religion either.

“If you are part of the religion, these compromises are probably the most logical thing to do. However, looking in from the outside, sometimes I can only shake my head.  What do they really believe and stand for?

6/13 After 50 years of Sermons – still on ‘Milk’ in the Christian Foundations?

So far, we have been looking at the different comments people have about the modern day ‘church’.  We have define some of the terms when we talk about this subject as well as discussed how it is the heart attitude that influences our views about ‘the church’.   We have also see that Jesus talked about ‘the Church’ as His body of people rather than a building or a denomination.  We now add another comment on the depth of ‘feeding’ given to the people who are following Jesus.

A.  The lack of depth in sermons

#7. Reader’s comments – the Church is too Judgemental

So why don’t you go to church?   “It’s too Judgemental and hypocritical”

“I stopped going to THE church when it became a place of HOLY people, rather than the place to be cleansed. I left when it became the house of the righteous and not the house for the lost and searching. If my search brought me there, was it a crime to ask more questions?

I found judgment from others came easily as breathing. I heard the Word misconstrued and used out of context.