Christian Foundations looks at the Importance of Surrender!

One of the main lessons every Jesus Follower must learn as they walk their journey is how to find that freedom Surender 9780884195085He promised. The key doesn’t lay in self-punishment, keeping religious rules or traditions. Jesus used one main key throughout His whole life on Earth: Surrender.

How foreign that concept is to our self-centred society. The ‘Me first’ attitude of ‘entitlement’ often robs people of the real joy in life: surrender to His plans. We think we are entitled to a good, pain free life or a great marriage and children. Often those dreams have to be shattered before we can see the real purpose of life: Surrender to know God in all His wisdom.

7/49 Christian Foundations continues in Facing the Orphan Spirit

To begin this section, let me tell you a story. ‘Jenny’ grew up in a semi-Christian home where she went to Linda 1Sunday School every Sunday. It was probably more so that her parents had Sunday morning to themselves, away from their 4 children that they were sent to church. For whatever reason, little seeds grew in Jenny until she was a 20 year old and working in the church office.

She enjoyed her work and ‘served well’. She even had a t-shirt made that said ‘Steward of the Most High God’. She often marked her folders as ‘Jenny, Steward of God’. This sounded like a good saying and to her, even sound doctrine … but it wasn’t the whole truth. Something was missing.

Christian Foundations presents the Book: ‘Stewardship as a Lifestyle’

stewardshipIn ‘Stewardship as a Lifestyle’, Dr. John R. Frank digs into his yearning for a more wholistic approach to the life of the steward than just asking for or giving money. Many of those who have seen this as the goal in their life have ended up with a puzzle of stress, too little time, not enough talent – a ‘rubric cube’ in their Christian life.

The course for true stewardship thinking is more deeply set in the book’s opening chapters. A series of short and challenging musings about a wholistic approach to the life of the steward follow. Each one is designed to provoke individual reflection and group conversation, coming from John’s own struggle to grow in the grace of generosity.

7/48 Summary of our Series on Slave to Bride

 chains6Perhaps it would help us to continue with a quick Review on the Stages of Growth as we can go through as we journey into ‘the New Creation’ in Jesus: We can see at least 7 different terms relating to our standing in Jesus’ Kingdom. These general stages can overlap but the overall direction needs to be growth upward through the stages.

Servanthood and Survival in Christian Foundations

As we look as Christian Servanthood, it is obvious htat some people survive and grow as His servants.  However, others my find ‘the dark night of the soul’ as they seek to follow the Lord.  Here are two YouTube comments on stress and survival.  The first is by Bill Hybels on wcavideo· as he talks about how he stays replenished while leading at high levels

Our second YouTube on the subject of stress and servanthood s from Church Leadership with Ron Vietti‘How Not To BURNOUT ! Effective Church Leadership’.  He here talks about the importance of not burning out as leaders.

Christian Foundations asks ‘What does it mean to be a good steward?’

Here are a few short interviews with some of the leadership of the Episcopal Church about stewardship. Uploaded on Nov 21, 2006 by MadCreatorProduction


 As we have seen, the servant hood model Jesus left for us includes become a servant leader, choosing to do what is best for followers rather than caught in self-striving, self-serving games that leadership can become. Being a servant means to begin to serve the people in your group, in your life as He leads.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

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