7/24 Transition to Being a Servant in Christian Foundations

So we make the jump …… and I trust that you have.   People can actually open the door into the Kingdom without being born again.  Many still carry their worm thinking, victim thinking, along with their doubt and unbelief.  Little grow will happen if we do not deal with these issues in the stage of our walk with our Creator.  All of these self-defeating thinking patterns will change as we continue to renew our mind according to what the Word says rather than what the world says.

7/23 Your Birth Certificate from Christian Foundations

We have been discussing leaving the false, insecure Kingdom of Darkness and entering into the Kingdom of Light.  We have talked about passing from Slavery to this world thinking and behaving into the New Creation reality of following Jesus.  I trust that every reader of this blog has made that decision and continues to be a whole-hearted Jesus Follower.

Here is a declaration of this decision, whether it was made today or earlier in your life. 

It will help you to print off a copy of your Certificate, sign it and keep it in your records!


7/22 Thoughts from Galatians

Recently, in our own private quiet readings, Daniel and I have been going through the New Testament book of Galatians but with ‘The Message’, a transliteration by Eugene Peterson.  There were so many verses that applied to our topic of ‘From Slave to Sonship’ that I decided to add them to my ‘Sunday Cuppa with Susanne’ section for our Christian Foundations blog.

Sunday Cuppa – ‘Seeing the day of your Salvation’ for Christian Foundations

Recently, St Alfred’s has been running a series on ‘Seek and Save’.  As I listened to both to Jordan Hitchcock and Mike McNamara, I paraphrased and added to my posts to help you understand the theme ‘From Salves to Sonship’.  What struck my Heart was the theme of recognising the hand of God in the day of trouble.  How often have we recognised His opportunity in the circumstances that we face? 

We’ve passed the slave stage and even the servant mentality in our posts for this blog.  Remember a servant can live in the grandest palace and still be just a servant.  It’s the growing child, the son of the owner that is the heir to all his father’s promises and lands.

Christian Foundations Reviews The Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards

Today, I would like to look at another book that has been recommended and that I too have found beneficial in my growth in understanding Christian leadership.  If you’ve ever been hurt by leadership, hurt others or want to learn the principles of Godly leadership, this is the book for you.

Here is a quick YouTube on the Story of the Three Kings by Jared Ayres

So what is the book about?  Here is a review from a reader using the Kindle Edition:

Bible ap for kids YouTube for Christian Foundations

It is important to share your faith with your children but sometimes, reading the Bible seems like hard work for children,  Remember there are many great Bible story books but here is an interesting resource for helping children read the Bible!


 Hope this is of help to you in sharing your faith with children!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author
