3/10 Time Line of Adam to Noah and the Great Flood

In looking at the issues involved in creation and evolution, it helps to see the time line the Bible gives from Adam to Noah and the great flood, Genesis 5:1-31.   Notice, the Bible does not set out this time space in millions and millions of years!

4000 BC   ADAM – Cain and Abel born, Cain killed Abel.  Cain was banished.

Adam lived until he was 930 years old.

3900                                  Adam -130 years old when Seth was born.

SETH – 105 years old when Enosh was born, died at 912.

3800               ENOSH – 90 years when Kenan born, dies at 905 years.

3/9 Christian Foundation – the Age of the Earth

Welcome back to another article from Creation.org on the Age of the Earth.  We have reprinted this article with permission, again, hoping this will increase your faith in the Creator and His plan for your life.  The article contains excellent points as to refuting the millions of years theory of the Evolution’s way of how our planet developed.


You are here: Creation >> Age Of Earth

Age of Earth: Why Does It Matter?
“Age of Earth” is a query typed into many Internet search engines these days. Why? Because the issue is very crucial, and the entire world is divided by it. Your response to this three-word query will reflect your entire worldview.

YouTube – Creation versus Evolution

As we continue with this second great challenge to the Christian Faith, Evolution, I looked for a short YouTube to bring this topic into a clearer view.  I found this short video by Ken Ham, one of the foundation members and best speakers of the Creation Science Magazine.  I trust you will listen to his words carefully as this video represents a deeper view into the evolutionist teachings we find all around us today.


Thanks for viewing this YouTube presentation.   I trust it has added something to your understanding of the difference between Christianity and the common views you hear, especially in the education system and the media.  Join us as we continue to look at the serious challenges to our Christian faith,

3/6b What is the Dispute between Evolution and our Christian Foundations?

Welcome back to our discussion on Evolutions versus Creation by Intelligent design.  So far, we have defined Evolution and how this compared to the Christian beliefs we have learned and followed at a heart level. 

So we continue with this post looking at the heart of the dispute and how these two ‘religions’ compare.



There is no disagreement today between Evolutionists and Creationists that a male and female fish will have offspring that grow up into fish and not ‘oranges’.

Christian Foundations – Website of the Month

There are so many excellent Christian websites and blogs in the ‘Net, we would like to present one as a recommendation for your reading.  Since we are considering the question of Evolution versus Creation, we present ‘All About God’ and their Creation department, ‘All about Creation’.

So Who are they? 

Creationists are men and women who share a belief in God and a conviction that He created us and the world in which we live. Creation science, in its most general sense, is an effort to apply the scientific method to discover how God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Christian Foundations examines Evolution vs. Creation: The Great Debate

We have been examining the Four greatest challenges to the Christian faith: Humanism, Evolution, False religions and the New Age.

The Following article has been reprinted with permission from the ‘All About Creation’ Website.  It contains more information that can add to your knowledge about this great debate.  I have also used their website for our ‘Website of the Month’ post.  Enjoy!


You are here: Creation >> Creation Vs. Evolution

Evolution vs. Creation: The Great Debate
The Evolution vs. Creation debate is often referred to as the “Great Debate.” It’s the emotion-packed question of “Origins” — why, how, and where did everything come from?