3/6a The Challenge of Evolution to Christian Foundations

So far in this series on the Challenges to the Christian Foundations of Faith, we have been setting out the major beliefs handed down to us by our Creator, by Jesus Christ and the Church Fathers. We have talked about the foundational beliefs about the Holy Spirit, Jesus of Nazareth and of end time events.

In looking at the first challenge to Christian, we discussed Humanism as a religion in direct contract to the teachings of Jesus Christ.  We included material from YouTube and from the original ‘Humanist Manifesto’.

In this post, we shall tackle another strong belief system that is in direct contrast to Christianity and the teachings of Jesus: Evolution.  Many people’s faith have been destroyed by this unscientific explanation as to how life began, especially our young people going through an amoral, Humanistic influence in our school systems.

This makes knowing your foundations in Christ and the Bible more important than ever before.  It is only when we do know our firm foundations that we can share with others the faith we hold.  It is to this purpose that we have dedicated this current series on the Challenges that face Christians today.

As we mentioned in our last post, the definition of a ‘religion’ is A cause, principle or system of belief, held to with ardour and faith which attempts to explain the origins of life, the purpose of life or the way life has developed.”   Under this dictionary definition, Evolution is also a religion, an explanation of how life began.


Certainly no human was in the beginning to witness creation…. or evolution.  However, both ‘religions’ claim credible facts and info to support their views of life and both take ‘faith’ to follow their belief.

For us as Jesus Followers, we have chosen to follow our faith path toward the God of Creation rather than the false foundations of evolution.  So join us as we look at ‘Evolution, the Challenge to the Christian Faith’.

To start with, there was an eyewitness to the beginning of the beginnings: Creator God.  He has preserved His Word to tell us told how He did things before the beginning of beginnings.  Because the story has been recorded, we can believe that creation is a fact.

Evolution is only a theory, because no scientist saw how life began.  Science cannot prove things unseen, unobserved or unrecorded by present witnesses. Both Evolution and Creation attempt to deduce things about the past from the belief systems of today.


So what do we mean by ‘Evolution’?   We can see the theory taught in our schools and proposed in the media as though it is established fact.

Evolution is the supposed development of complex, multi-celled organisms from simple, single-celled living things. This occurred by a random (non-intelligent) processes, involving extremely long periods of time. As ‘mutations’ occurred, natural selection caused some ‘mutations’ to succeed and some to die out.

The biggest proponent of Evolution, Charles Darwin talked about this process as ‘natural selection’, allowing some living things to succeed and others to die out as their ‘mutation’ could not survive in the climate. Thus one ‘kind of mutation’ slowly developed into the different species we see around us.

However, as we shall see in later posts, there are fundamental arguments even among the greatest evolutionists as to this process.  We can find evidence around us today that prove much of Darwin’s theories to be unfounded ‘leaps of faith’.

In our next post, we shall look at what is at the heart of the dispute between creation and evolution, between Christianity and the doctrine of life without an intelligent Creator.  Join us then,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

www. christianfoundations.jesustreeoflife.info

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