6/1 So what is your place in the Church?


So far in this series on Christian Foundational beliefs, we have looked at Christian concepts about Jehovah, Creator God and the Father of love.  Next, we went onto the Creation of the spiritual world and the fall of Lucifer, the angel of Light.  Following that, we discussed the Creation of Earth, the Garden of Eden and then onto Adam and Eve.  We saw the results of their rebellion against their Creator and the fall of the human race because of this first couple’s actions. 

Sunday Cuppa’ with Susanne – The Purpose of Eternity

…….I just stood there, amazed at the words I thought I had heard from the speaker’s comments! 

“Yes, anything not done for the church or having to do with evangelism will be swept away with the wood, hay and stubble,” he had replied. 

He then went on to quote:  “If any one builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be show for what it is to light.  It well be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality on everyone’s work.  If what they have built survives, they will receive their reward.”   ! Corinthians 3:12-15

6e The Central Role of the Holy Spirit

We continue with our series on Christian Foundation by looking at the central role of the Holy Spirit in the life of any Jesus Follower.  So far we have seen that the Holy Spirit was a promised Jesus gave to His followers as He left for heaven.  The Holy Spirit was part of the work in creation and active in many places in the Old Testament.

However, as we will see, the work of the Holy Spirit in the New Covenant between Jesus and His church is much more intimate and fulfilling of the Father’s promises.  As a Person, the Holy Spirit is active in our conversion and in our daily walk.

7c. So How do I Develop Christian Personal Growth?

In our last post we talked about what it means to be ‘born again’.  Then we went onto how ‘Change’ needs to be the common expectation among Jesus Follower who know Christian Foundation views.  This mean change began when we stepped into being the New Creation, as well as when we stepped into the reality of hearing from our Creator.  We are a ‘Work in Progress’!

Change is natural for us as we are changed from the old nature way of thinking into the new creation way of thinking.  Next we looked at the barriers that stop change from happening, thus stagnation happens.

7b Christian Growth and Change are God-ordained

So far in this series on Personal Spiritual Growth, we have discussed what people mean when they talk about being ‘born again’.  For many people, the change comes slowly while for others, life is greatly and almost instantly changed.  Gone are the desires, compulsions and addictions of the old nature.  Here to stay are new ideas, new concepts and new hopes as the filters fall from their eyes.

The point we need to realise is that change is a natural process of any ‘Jesus Follower’ whether we want or expect it.  Change comes with the new walk and new life with their Creator.

Sunday Cuppa’ with Susanne – Iniquity

Jackie sat fidgeting in her chair, obviously wishing she was anywhere but sitting in the counselling room with me.  She had reluctantly made the appointment and I knew there were deep and painful issues she needed to share. 

After 20 minutes of sidetracking and beating around the bush, she finally let slip one reason for coming to see me: ‘My grandmother died two years ago and, ahhh, I need to find a way to let her go.’