7/64 Deeper Cleansing as Sons and Daughters of God

We have been tracing the concept that we all come out of our own spiritual slavery to ‘Egypt’ when we chains7become Jesus Followers. We all begin messed up – we are not born perfect, Psalm 51:5.

  1. Everyone has a system of personal strongholds

As we have said in past posts, the vast majority of Christians come into God’s kingdom with worldly mindsets, ingrained bad habits, deep set judgements, biases, undealt with hurts, old forgiveness issues and other assorted heart stuff. These ‘fortified structures’ of false beliefs are what Paul refers to as ‘strongholds’.

7/63 How do I really Surrender my Heart to the Lord?

We all begin with unregenerate hearts

According to Scripture, the ‘unregenerate’ heart – the heart without God – is the seat of the Self-system, or the Old Nature. It is this fallen, self-centred, rebellious, corrupt heart that has led us astray, Jeremiah 17:9.

  1. The story of the two houses

heavy load2Before we came to Jesus, it’s like we lived in a different house. Its run down, cracks in the windows, the doors squeak but we are used to it.  Along comes Jesus and offers us ‘a new house’, a new life and we accept.