7/28 Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit for Christian Foundations

When we pass from being a slave in the kingdom – with all the slave thinking patterns from the world still dogging us – we enter a new growth stage. 

It is possible in our current ways of looking at the Christian religion and the system church to sail passed what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit, thinking it was for then but not for now.  It is possible to ‘do church’ with all its meetings and greetings …. and leave out the Holy Spirit! 

6c. The Holy Spirit and Being a Jesus Follower

As we continue with this series on the Foundations of the Christian Faith, we next want to present more basics for the Jesus Follower.  So far we have discuss creation, the fall of the human race, Father God’s Great Rescue plan and the life of Jesus Christ.

1.  All religions are the same?

Recently I had a conversation with someone who had researched all the different religions, cults and faiths in the world.  What an extensive list of the different ways humans use as a way to reach God.

My companion continued with this comment: “There really is no difference between all these religions and Christianity!” 

6d What do you Mean by the Holy Spirit?

Before we continue with our topic on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it would be more understandable if we stopped and looked at the Christian Foundation’s view of ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’  We have covered the Creator, Father God and Jesus the Christ.  We now want to lay the Christian Foundation for the teaching on the Person and work of the third part of the union – the Holy Spirit.