7b Christian Growth and Change are God-ordained

So far in this series on Personal Spiritual Growth, we have discussed what people mean when they talk about being ‘born again’.  For many people, the change comes slowly while for others, life is greatly and almost instantly changed.  Gone are the desires, compulsions and addictions of the old nature.  Here to stay are new ideas, new concepts and new hopes as the filters fall from their eyes.

The point we need to realise is that change is a natural process of any ‘Jesus Follower’ whether we want or expect it.  Change comes with the new walk and new life with their Creator.

Sunday Cuppa’ with Susanne – Iniquity

Jackie sat fidgeting in her chair, obviously wishing she was anywhere but sitting in the counselling room with me.  She had reluctantly made the appointment and I knew there were deep and painful issues she needed to share. 

After 20 minutes of sidetracking and beating around the bush, she finally let slip one reason for coming to see me: ‘My grandmother died two years ago and, ahhh, I need to find a way to let her go.’ 

7a Christian Foundations – What do you mean “Born Again”?

So far in our study of the Foundations of our Faith, we have discussed who Jehovah is, the creation of the Spiritual World, the Creation of earth, the Fall of Adam and Eve, who is Jesus, the Christ and the Work of the Holy Spirit.  Then we will continue with what the church was meant to be, to do and how the body of Christ is to present the risen Jesus, use His gifts and then, how to find your fit in this growing body of people.  In thois series, Christian Foundations would like to examine the question – What does it mean to ‘be born again’?

They Speak with Other Tongues

“Have you ever been saved?” A rather wide-eyes young fellow startled me with his question as we walked for the bus.  He handed me a booklet with a picture of hell on the front. 

“Sure” I responded.  “Once when I was 9 years old, I was swimming at Jones Beach on Long Island, and a strong undertow began to drag me out to sea.  My Uncle heard my call for help and …..”

“No, No,” he interrupted.  “Redeemed!  Have you been redeemed?  You know reborn ….washed in the blood!”

“What,” I inquired, “in the world are you talking about?”

6d What do you Mean by the Holy Spirit?

Before we continue with our topic on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it would be more understandable if we stopped and looked at the Christian Foundation’s view of ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’  We have covered the Creator, Father God and Jesus the Christ.  We now want to lay the Christian Foundation for the teaching on the Person and work of the third part of the union – the Holy Spirit.

My Health Assessment on Christian Foundations

The following questions are designed to show you how much you have progressed in your walk with the Lord Jesus.  It helps to print off this page to really spend some time with Jesus filling out this survey.

This will also give you where you fit within the Three Categories:

“Just Beginning” =  1 to 100    “Processing” = 100 to 195    “Practicing” =  195 to 250

Please answer the following questions on a 1 to 5 scale:

1  “I know nothing about this area.” => 3  “I have only begun this area.”