3/6d Created by Intelligent Design by our Creator

Welcome back to the last of my posts on the Challenge of Evolution to our Christian Foundations.  In this post, we shall discuss how out Creator designed this world, along with a book report to help add to your information.


“God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25 (NIV)

Here we see that God made all kinds of animals true to their own kind. A shark did not have a cat as its offspring, and they still don’t today! God developed DNA so that living things would be born with the same ‘blueprint’ as the parents. God is a god of order, not chaos.

Trees are true to their blueprint, just as humans are true to theirs.  So it was that an Intelligent Creator designed our world.


For evolution to be true, it has to eliminate the concept of God. Evolution is an atheistic theory which doesn’t need a moral, holy God for its explanations. If evolutionists can prove that the Earth is old, then the Bible is false and there is no God.

Having things die before the Fall would imply that eating from the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ didn’t bring death for the human race, contrary to Scripture (Genesis 2:17).

It would also imply that Jesus didn’t come to defeat the last enemy – Death (1 Corinthians 15:26), because God called everything “very good” (Genesis 1:31) and so endorsed death before Adam.

We have included a YouTube video by Ken Ham explaining this viewpoint.


Why is it so difficult for us to believe in young earth Creation? Is creating the Earth in 6 days more difficult for God than raising Jesus from the Dead? Miracles are no problem to Jehovah.

When we allow our faith to be eroded by the views of evolutionists, we undermine the very purpose of His Great Rescue Plan.  We as a human race do need saving from the very nature that drives the Evolution debate: to do our own wilful, self-centred thing, Irregardless of who or what we damage.


Other books Recommended:

Paul S. Taylor, “The Illustrated Origins Answer Book”,

Sylvia Baker, “Bone of Contention”,

Dennis Peterson, “Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation”.

Refuting Evolution: A Handbook for Students, Parents, and Teachers Countering the Latest Arguments for Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati and Ken Ham (May 1999)

(92 customer reviews)

Formats Price New Used Collectible
Paperback   $2.75 $0.01 $7.99


2.   Refuting Evolution 2 by Jonathan D. Sarfati (May 1, 2011)

(17 customer reviews)

Formats Price: New Used Collectible
$12.99 $12.80 $4.24 $12.99


Then remember the excellent magazine called Creation, put out by Creation Ministries.  Website?  www.creation.com

Some of their features:

       Importance of origins What creation.com is about

Key articles Answers to lots of questions!

Good News Good news for all the world!

Creation vs. Evolution Evidence and arguments

Atheism The evolution connection

Surprise Me Randomly selected creation science article

Some Free Resources:

Books & Study Guides

Tracts & Brochures

Parents Corner

Non-English Articles

Radio Spots

Creation for kids

Genesis Verse by


Thanks for joining us for this series on Evolution versus Creation.  Our aim has been to add to your faith in our loving, Intelligent Creator.  Join me for the next topic in our series on the Challenge to the Christian Faith – The New Age.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

www. christianfoundations.jesus-treeoflife.info

One Response to “3/6d Created by Intelligent Design by our Creator”

  1. i have never heard anything like this before, it is beautiful. best of luck with your posts.

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