3/9 Christian Foundation – the Age of the Earth

Welcome back to another article from Creation.org on the Age of the Earth.  We have reprinted this article with permission, again, hoping this will increase your faith in the Creator and His plan for your life.  The article contains excellent points as to refuting the millions of years theory of the Evolution’s way of how our planet developed.


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Age of Earth: Why Does It Matter?
“Age of Earth” is a query typed into many Internet search engines these days. Why? Because the issue is very crucial, and the entire world is divided by it. Your response to this three-word query will reflect your entire worldview.

Age of Earth: Two Worldviews
A look at the “Age of Earth” query reveals that there are really only two possible solutions as to how everything came into existence — Creation or Evolution. Creation is the concept that Someone apart from the universe created the universe. Evolution is essentially the atheistic explanation of origins. It must be stressed that neither theory has been proven by the evidence. Both theories should be treated as “religious” beliefs, since they are both held by faith, separate and distinct from testable, repeatable data.
It is agreed that Evolution is not possible without excessive amounts of time (it is argued that even given excessive lengths of time, Evolution is not possible for various reasons). If the Earth is young, we are left with only one option — Special Creation. If the Earth is excessively old, Evolution is theoretically possible. Obviously, it is in the best interests of Evolutionists to prove an Old Earth. And so we have the Question: “What is the Age of the Earth?”

How Old is the Earth? Natural Chronometers
“How old is the Earth?” This question is once again sparking a heated debate. With discoveries such as the following Natural Chronometers, we are at the forefront of a Young Earth revolution:

  • Our oceans contain concentrations of Aluminum, Antinomy, Barium, Bicarbonate, Bismuth, Calcium, Carbonates, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Manganese, Magnesium, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Rubidium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfate, Thorium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Uranium, and Zinc. The river systems add to these concentrations at fixed apparent rates. Comparing the amounts already in the oceans with the rates at which more are being dumped, indicates the earth, as well as its river systems and oceans, are fairly young.
  • Sediments are being eroded into our oceans at a fixed rate. There are only a few thousand years worth of sediments on the ocean floor.
  • The Earth’s magnetic field has been accurately measured since 1829. Since 1829, it has decayed 7%. It is decaying exponentially at a fixed rate. By graphing the curve, we see that approximately 22,000 years ago the Earth’s field would have been as strong as the Sun’s. Life would have been impossible.
  • Comets are constantly losing matter. They are losing and losing and never gaining. “Short Period      Comets” (like Haley’s comet), which have predictable orbits, should deteriorate to nothing within 10,000 years. Why are there still Short Period Comets?
  • Jupiter is losing heat twice as fast as it gains it from the Sun (it is five times further from the Sun than Earth). Yet Jupiter is still hot. If it is billions of years old, shouldn’t it have cooled off by now?
  • Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, which is roughly the size of Mercury, has a strong magnetic field, a possible indication that it is still hot. Why hasn’t it cooled down?
  • Saturn’s rings are not stable. They are drifting away from Saturn. If Saturn is billions of years old, why does it still have rings?
  • The Moon is slowly drifting away from the Earth. If it is getting further, at one time it was much closer. The Inverse Square Law dictates that if the Moon were half the  distance from the Earth, its gravitational pull on our tides would be quadrupled. 1/3 the distance, 9 times the pull. Everything would drown twice a day. Approximately 1.2 billion years ago, the Moon would have been touching the Earth. Drowning would be the least of our concerns!
  • Earth’s rotation is slowing down. We experience a leap second every year and a half. If the Earth is      slowing down, at one time it was going much faster. Besides the problem of extremely short days and nights, the increased “Coriolis Effect” would cause impossible living conditions.
  • In 1999, the human population passed six billion. In 1985, it passed five billion. In 1962, it passed three billion. In 1800, it passed one billion. In 1 AD, the world’s population, according to the censuses taken by the governments of that time, was only 250 million. At the current human population growth rate, considering wars and famines and all such variables, it would take approximately 5,000 years to get the current population from two original people.

Age of Earth: Education or Indoctrination?
Public schools in the U.S. view the “Age of Earth” query as a separation of Church and State issue. They feel compelled to push Old Earth as a means to remove God from public education. This is a contradiction, as an atheistic worldview is no less “religious” than a Creationist worldview. The immediate result from such an effort is censorship of Young Earth evidence. The long-term result is that our students are indoctrinated, not educated. A child in the U.S. public school system is not learning both theories of origins. As such, Evolution is being taught as scientific fact. Here are some examples of evidence not reaching today’s youth:

  • There are approximately 5 times the Natural Chronometers indicating a Young Earth than those indicating an Old Earth. Today’s student is not aware of ANY Natural Chronometers indicating a Young Earth, and is therefore ignorant of 80% of the total data.
  • All data is interpreted through presuppositions.
  • What are the presuppositions and how were they reached? (an example would be the assumptions      fundamental to Radiometric Dating).
  • Uniformitarianism is taught as scientific fact, but is merely an Evolutionist presupposition to      explain sedimentary layers. Uniformitarianism has been dramatically weakened by geologic features such as poly-strata fossils and the lack of erosion between strata.
  • There is an alternative to Uniformitarianism – Catastrophism — which is validated by ancient      manuscripts, poly-strata fossils, fossil clams (in the closed position) found on Mt. Everest’s peak, sedimentary rock, the fact that 95% of all recorded fossils are marine invertebrates, etc.
  • There are actually six stages of Evolution necessary for what we see in today’s world (cosmic, chemical,      stellar/planetary, organic, macro, and micro). Only one stage, Micro-evolution, has been observed, and the rest are merely assumed. Many of the assumptions have actually been shown to be unreasonable (for      instance, the lack of transitional fossils has severely affected the theory of macro-evolution, and the observation of retrograde motion, “voids” and “clumps” have proven to be a great setback      to the theory of cosmic-evolution, starting with the Big Bang).
  • There are actually Limiting Factors that limit the possible age of the Earth (like moon-drift, magnetic-field decay, Earth’s slowing rotation, ocean-floor sediment build-up, chemical influx into the oceans, etc.).

Age of Earth: Be Wary of Unreasonable Conclusions
Perhaps a better question is not “What is the Age of the Earth?”, but rather, “Are we being educated or indoctrinated?” Our children are not being taught what the evidence is and how to think about it, they are being taught to memorize a small portion of inconsequential data and to believe an unreasonable conclusion. We urge you to seek out ALL the evidence before you make ANY conclusion.


Our thanks to www.allaboutgod.org and to www.allaboutcreation.org for this articles, reprinted with permission.  ….and yes we do all need to seek out information to make the conclusions that will shape our life – one way or another.  Your whole eternity is based on the decisions you make now.

Join us for the rest of the posts on how Evolution is one of the greatest challenges to the Christian faith.  Remember we began our faith journey with our Creator’s great Rescue Plan…. and how we still need it today! 

Thanks for joining us in this series,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


One Response to “3/9 Christian Foundation – the Age of the Earth”

  1. this subject isn’t so unknown to me, so i enjoy reading it. thanks.

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