#13. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church? ‘Leadership hurts’

Here is another in our series on Reader’s comments on Leadership and the church:

“I ‘survived‘ the Charismatic renewal in the 1970 and 80’s in our small community town.   Some people and churches didn’t.  I saw groups of people split right down the middle; some left and some stayed.  Good things came from this movement of the Holy Spirit.  My whole family came to find Jesus and the family hurts were really addressed and healed.

“…but – and there usually is two side – how the enemy got in and other lives were torn apart.  Some left the conflicted churches all together to wander only God know where.  Others jumped into ‘safer’ churches only to find them rocked by the Holy Spirit later.

“To keep things positive, however, our part of the church formed another church …oh yes…I can hear you say it.  …Hey it worked for us then.  We have a loose leadership structure so everyone had a part in the services.  Someone would come with a song, another with a great story of what Jesus had done and others with a deeper teaching. We still had communion and we saw many, many new people baptised – even a group at the local beach.

“We really learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit…and had the space to practice using the gifts.  It was great to see the Living Jesus shaping His church!

“…but where are the gifts being used today?  Please tell me the gifts are still being used somewhere…that all that church hurt and pain was worth it!”

Comments by Stan


We invite you to add your comments to the posts as we go along.  Agree?  …or disagree? … What do you think? 

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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