#15. Readers Respond: Define Emerging Church?

Here is another view from readers on the topic of going to the box we call church –

“I think it’s very important to look into ‘Emergent Churches’ on a church-by-church basis. I’ve attended quite a few churches people label as emergent, but have a very conservative theological foundation.

“They believe in the absolute authority of scripture, they just question fundamental views that don’t have conspicuous scriptural backing. It’s like Luther, liberally reforming against the conservative Catholic biblical understandings. Luther shed off traditional teachings, but still based everything on scripture… likewise a lot of “emerging” AND “emergent” churches are doing the same thing.

“Now, I’m not supporting every Church, because some of them are compromising clear biblical teaching to try to conform to culture.  …but remember some ‘cutting edge’ churches still hold biblical truths.

“The Cross of Christ will always be foolishness and won’t make sense to those who are still blinded.   The Emergent movement and their “social justice gospel” will make a better world for humanity.  However, we must remember the basic message of Jesus is aimed at a lost and dying world that is going to Hell.”

Comments by Joseph


We invite you to add your comments to the posts as we go along.  Agree?  …or disagree? … What do you think?

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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