#19. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

Another reader’s responce to the question about going to their church:

“I guess what concerns me about the church I go to is that the gospel Jesus offered has been so watered down, I seldom hear it anymore.  I don’t remember the last time the speaker gave ‘an alter call’.  There is very little challenge in their message to even see the power of the gospel to change people’s heart.

“Then when the speaker aims to ‘translate the gospel’ into more modern terms for the non-believers in the church, it is often off base.  Sometimes it appeals to ‘being better husbands’ – which is good but without the help of the Holy Spirit, the heart of any husband won’t be changed.  They forget to mention that part.

“Where is the passion for the real meaning of His message?  He came to re-connect us to the Father!  …but the Father has a discipline and teaching side as well as the compassionate, forgiving side.  Earning His forgiveness isn’t possible.  It comes only with the realization that we are lost without Him.”

Comments by Sophie


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Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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