7/17 Spiritual Slavery to what?

We continue with the theme of being a spiritual slave – even an orphan – when we first come into God’s kingdom.  It was even worse than this; we served under ‘the father of lies’, under the deceptions and illusions from generations and generations who were lost to His family.  We had inherited the rebellion and self-striving from Adam and Eve and then continued in their paths of blindness, separated from the hope of another reality.

 Hopefully for you, conversion was such a miracle that even the hardest of hearts could taste that something else was possible beyond the world’s false smiles and empty promises.  We did glimpse a different reality … but how did we get there?  Conversion, repentance and accepting His free gift is just the beginning!

We came from being trapped by the impurities around us, spiritually dead to our loving Creator.  His grace touched us with the forgiveness and the need to know Him more.   Could we see others around us who really lived in that victorious live He promised … then maybe we could too.  After all, we had the best example of what a slave needed, right there in Jesus.  He came into this world not as a noble of high birth but as a slave.  The coming King of Kings came as a slave and a servant to do His Father’s will. 

Jesus even came to die a slave’s death.  Crucifixion was the form of execution reserved for slaves so He knew the status of slave.  This was the lowest form of life in the Roman Empire.  This was so that we who were spiritually dead might know a higher calling – to become a servant and a child of the most high God.   We who were born impure and took on the impure nature of this world might be washed clean and reconciled to Abba Father.

This was Creator God’s greatest story and the redemption plan to beat the enemy of our soul.  This is the only way through to walking on that path of victorious living.  We must come to the place of believing in His love for us rather than keep the self-striving forms of behaviour we once knew in the world … before He touched our heart and helped us see that there is another way.

However, as we shall see in our further posts, there are still ‘potholes’ along our way on this journey to become the sons and daughters we are designed to be.  Beginning as a slave does carry the beginning steps to the next stage of growth … to that or Servants of God, servants of mankind … and to the church?

We must learn to follow Jesus beyond the historical Person, through servant hood and then into being adopted into His family.  So, continue to join us on this journey.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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