7/18 Progression as sons is not a ladder to be climbed

So far in this series, we have talked about the natural way of growth for Jesus followers.  What we have laid out is not a progression that happens automatically as time goes by.  Some people get stuck on the different stages of growth, meeting false ideas, detours and roadblocks. 

Others ‘hit the brick wall’ and see that their perceptions of the Kingdom are faulty.  However, the saddest group of Jesus followers are those who have ‘returned to Egypt – the world – to the leeks and garlic’ of their old life.  We shall mention this along the way as many of us have had such ‘Pigpen experiences’ but hopefully have returned to the narrow path of life by now.

We all come into the kingdom as ‘Slaves’ from the world domination.  From there, we realise that is not His will that we stay as a slave.  We see that He has set us free from the evils and traps of wrong doing and lifted us into another realm of existence and a transition happens.

Our next step is that of ‘Servant’ and we learn to follow the Master’s example of being a Godly servant.  … but who are we the Servant to? Legalism and law tries to make its mark on those who would walk with their God.  There is another reality that we must find.

Becoming adopted and part of His family marks the next stage of spiritual growth.  We find we are a child again, lost in the love of Abba.  However, far too many Christians get entangled in abandonment, disillusionment and find their journey haunted by an orphan mentality.  What could have been is lost in judgement and bitterness.

… but even this is not the final place to ‘pitch your tent’ in your journey.  A child is adopted in the example Paul used … but why?  To be trained and disciplined to become an heir!  So even here, we see the need for a healthily growth process.  As we step into our authority in Jesus, what He died for and left as our inheritance, we grow in our understanding of this life He has given us.  We learn maturity and take responsibility to be the Ambassadors Paul talked about in 2 Corinthians 5:20.  We learn to be the priests and Jesus Followers that really do walk in victory over the world’s pains, fears and situations that could break our heart. 

Yet, with another group of people will stand with Jesus before the Father: The bride of Christ.  Jesus is building that Bride now, in the midst of the struggles and traumas of the world around us.  So, will you be part of this group or have you been ‘waylaid’, lost along the way on your journey?

The point of this post is to stress that while such a progression of growth is normal and healthily, it’s NOT a ladder we have to climb to find God.  If this were true, we would have reached another self-striving way to please God.  No, this journey is one filled with adventure but also with being confirmed to His image – not the image we have made of Him.  Where ever you are on your journey as Jesus Followers, may you continue to find the Spirit’s teaching, comfort and guidance to continue your walk with Him!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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