7/24 Transition to Being a Servant in Christian Foundations

So we make the jump …… and I trust that you have.   People can actually open the door into the Kingdom without being born again.  Many still carry their worm thinking, victim thinking, along with their doubt and unbelief.  Little grow will happen if we do not deal with these issues in the stage of our walk with our Creator.  All of these self-defeating thinking patterns will change as we continue to renew our mind according to what the Word says rather than what the world says.

This is partly what it means to be born again – see my other blog: www.hearinggod.mentorsnotebook.com/blog    We begin to face and deal with the reality that we are never going to be perfect in our walk with God … but to be overcomers, Revelation 3:21.

We now begin the second part of this series:   Part Two: From Slave to Servant – growing into your place in the Kingdom of God.

What comes to your mind when we use the term ‘Servant’?  Someone in a big house with set duties for the Master of the home?  A waiter, trained to set out drinks for the guests?  ….. the rude waitress at the corner restaurant? 

All of these may be true of what a servant does … but what is a servant mentality – according to our Master Jesus?  What did He demonstrate as a good servant for us to follow?  How so we get to that point in our walk with our Creator? When step into His kingdom for real, can leave behind the slave mentality, to see another way of living life.  What helps us reach that hunger to follow Him?  This is part of our discussion as we look at hearing from your Creator, an essential part of growth.

Then we need to look at some of the ‘pitfalls’ for this stage of growth.  Some Jesus Followers stay stuck in their growth here, without knowing more wholeness awaits them.  This stuckness leads to cases where some people just come to church services Sunday after Sunday and never walk deeper in their faith.  Growth in Jesus then becomes a foreign concept in many Christian circles.

However, if Jesus completed His work at the cross, what does that leave for us to do?  When we move from ‘Slave thinking’ what areas do we need to address as a Servant?  From renewing the slave mentality to following Jesus as a servant to His people is also a choice.  How can this part of our journey continue in the path He calls us to follow as we journey into the next stage of growth – to that of learning we are not a servant but a child of the Living God.

As we have already mentioned, these stages of growth are not meant to be ‘a definite ladder’ for our walk with Jesus.  In fact, some of these areas overlaps or can end before the person is ready for their next step.  Someone can be a servant and yet have deeply ingrained slave thinking patterns.  Many Christians live their faith without ever being aware than they are adopted and are being trained to be a son or daughter rather than a mindless servant.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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