7c. So How do I Develop Christian Personal Growth?

In our last post we talked about what it means to be ‘born again’.  Then we went onto how ‘Change’ needs to be the common expectation among Jesus Follower who know Christian Foundation views.  This mean change began when we stepped into being the New Creation, as well as when we stepped into the reality of hearing from our Creator.  We are a ‘Work in Progress’!

Change is natural for us as we are changed from the old nature way of thinking into the new creation way of thinking.  Next we looked at the barriers that stop change from happening, thus stagnation happens.

However, we also need to know where this growth is headed.  What is the pattern we are being changed into?  What is Father God using as our measuring stick to help us go through this change?  Where are we headed …..?



There is only One perfect model; Father God planned for us to become more like Jesus (Romans 8:29)  So then, how did Jesus grow to get to be that Perfect model?

Hebrews 5:7-8  “ … and He was heard because of His reverent submission.  Although He was a son, He learned obedience from what He suffered, and once made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him……..“

Yes, Jesus had an advantage over us.  The male side of His inheritance (the Holy Spirit) was perfect and God to begin with.  However, He laid all that aside and took on human form and weakness.  All that He accomplished was through the power of the Holy Spirit!  He did not use His ‘God-powers’ at all.

Jesus operated out of faith and trust in Father God.  He believed His Heavenly Father and only did what Abba showed Him (John 5:19, 30, 8:28).

There are some ways that Jesus is not our model.  He was sinless, and so He never came under the conviction of sin and had to repent.  We are sinful (1 John 1:8) and need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us (John 16:8).  We are in constant need of confession and repentance (1 John 1:9, Acts 2:38).



1.  Personal growth is not about being perfect!

We will never be perfect outside of Jesus!  We could lock the door and send out for pizza and work on being cleaned up for the next ten years and …. guess what?  We would still have mountains of stuff to deal with!  That is the ‘old nature’; we will never be perfect, outside of Jesus.  After those ten years, Father God wouldn’t love us any more  …… or if we died in the next 10 minutes, He wouldn’t love us any less.

Refining isn’t about getting Perfect and ‘earning’ God’s love!  If we could have reached perfection alone, we would not have needed Jesus.  We don’t have to scrub off every bit of dirt so that we can be more acceptable to Father God.  Healthy Biblical growth comes out of relationship with Jesus Christ.  Boiled down to simple terms, all we need to do is hear and obey.

2.  Find out what ‘measuring stick’ you are using to measure your own growth? 

Are you competing with other’s apparent glowing progress?  ….or your own unreal expectations?  ….other’s religious judgements on you?

Remember, we are all ‘blind’ and need to follow God’s instructions. (Luke 23:34)  If we judge ourselves to be either great or nor so great, we are playing into pride and therefore, our measuring stick will be off the truth.  We cannot judge ourselves apart from what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

3.  Unrealistic expectations will hinder our ability to follow Jesus.

If my expectations in being a Jesus Follower is that I am going to reach perfection – or that I am always going to fail – we are again off base.  If we could be perfect, we would not have needed Jesus to be the Bridge between us and a righteous, loving and holy God.  We will never meet His standards of being holy enough or good enough to win His acceptance; that’s why He broke through time and space and took on human form.  Our perfection is in Him!

4.  We cannot even judge ourselves.

Paul faced this issue and concluded:

   1 Corinthians 4:3-4 “I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed I do not even judge myself.  My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.  It is the Lord who judges me.”

Paul, the old nature Saul, who killed the newly converted Christians, has a clear conscience about his past actions.  He has totally accepted God’s forgiveness and grace to live his life for the Lord of all Creation.  How peaceful it is when we begin to reach this same place.  Judgement – well it is such an important issue we need to do a series on this very topic!

3.  Thirdly, remember persistence pays off.

What you nurture and grow will win in your life.  What you sow is what you reap.

   One evening, an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.  He said “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.  One is Evil.  It is anger, envy, jealousy, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.“The other wolf is good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”The grandson thought for a moment and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied: “The one you feed.”

Author and source unknown.

Which one are you feeding in your own life?



Growth also requires the determination, dedication and small, consistent steps (Isaiah 28:10) to get there.

1.  Ben and his cravings for Pepsi  (Seeking God’s best)

   Ben had a fridge in the garage full of bottles of Pepsi.  When his wife or kids wanted to drink some from his supply, he would get violently angry.  The Lord convicted him of sin.  He repented and asked God what he needed to do as a fruit of repentance.  Jesus put him under disciple.  He was allowed to drink Pepsi, but not allowed to buy it.  God ‘rewarded’ him by supplying Pepsi when he visited strangers. Because of Ben’s obedience to the Lordship of Jesus, he broke through.

2.         Andrew and his health condition  (Self-effort and striving)

    Andrew visited the doctor with high blood pressure.  The GP told him he had to lose weight.  He tried to change but using motivational books, new diets, even starvation, but found it difficult.  Many people gave him advice but after long struggles, he gave up his discipline and exercise programs.


3.   What is the difference between Ben and Andrew’s approach to change?

  Ben heard from God, was convicted and was inspired to change.  By hearing from God, he was able to bring supernatural faith into his refining (Romans 10:17).   Andrew thought change was a good idea because he was in so much pain.  However, he did not involve God, or faith, and so was less likely to change.

2 Corinthians 7:11 tells us that Godly sorrow leads us to repentance and Life because true and lasting change comes from conviction at a heart level.  Worldly sorrow only makes us sad that we ‘got caught’ or that we are in so much pain.  It leads to ‘death’, separation from God because we are not caught and try to escape the pain of guilt.

As Jesus Followers, which do we listen to?  ….condemnation or conviction?  Which do you list to?

Remember:  “If you always do, what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get, what you’ve always got!”



1.  Learn to Use Prayer as your First response.

Get your Growth group to pray for you.  Put your ‘faith muscles’ into action and ask for prayer for the aches and pains of life, before you reach for the aspirin or contact the doctor.

    James 5:16:  “Therefore confess your sins one to another and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man (or woman) is powerful and effective.”

2.   Be a partner with God in your growth

God doesn’t do for us what we can do for ourselves.  Participate in your own growth; it doesn’t just happen.  Choose to see things as God does (Colossians 3:1-4, 10).

Some people use a logical, rational approach: “If it’s not broke, you don’t need to fix it.”  However, like any plant, you need to water, encourage and look after growth to have growth continue.

Learn how to care for yourself in the midst of change so that growth can happen.

3.  You don’t repair the roof in the middle of the storm 

Determine to work on your relationship with Father God while things are going well.  Learn to hear and obey His voice in the quiet, peaceful times.  Then when the cyclone hits, you are ready to follow Him through the storm to the eye of the hurricane.

4.  Learn the Power of Creating Daily Rituals

Walking by faith is meant to be simple.  “Following Jesus simply means learning from Him how to arrange my life around the activities that enable me to live in the fruit of the spirit.”

a.  Always begin with what the Holy Spirit is convicting you about!  Do not respond to condemnation (Romans 8:1) but focus on the ‘God principle’ in your situation.

    “Spiritual discipline: any activity that can help me gain power to live life as Jesus taught and modelled it.” 1Here is a website and eBook that might help you:  www.nurture.mentorsnotebook.com 

b.  Let Jesus help you develop precise, concrete, achievable and realistic goals.

This isn’t the way to go about growth:  “I’ll read 14 chapters of the Bible each day because I feel condemned that I am not reading enough of His word.” 

      Set small goals you can achieve.   Don’t aim to change too much at one time.  Remember small steps get us to Mount Everest.  Learn to relax in His presence.Focus on one change at a time.  It takes more than 6 weeks for a new habit to replace an old pattern.Expect relapses, especially in dealing with long standing addictions or self-sabotage thinking systems.

Create an environment that supports change.  Be with people who are growing in the Lordship of Jesus.

Create accountability and feedback by using a prayer journal, a prayer partner, a support group, etc.  Establish networks with those who are really in touch with their own lives and with the reality of the living Jesus.

Establish Daily Rituals such as daily prayer, praying in tongues for a length of time, being part of a Growth group, reading your Bible daily (the complete text over the year), being accountable to a prayer triplet, attending a weekly Celebration at your local church, etc.

Here is a site and eBook that might help you in your growth:




Remember, Jesus not only wants the destination of good personal growth, but He also wants to walk the journey with us.  Surrendering to God is an important principle, rather than being pushed and pulled by self-effort or other’s advice. Never underestimate the impact of Father God’s willingness to work with a willing heart.  He is the most important factor!



* Suggested reading for this Session:

*Kathy Butler.  (Sept/Oct. 2003)  “5 Techniques of Effective Change”, Psychotherapy Network, Washington DC, USA, page 37-38

Daniel & Susan Fengler.  (1998) Christ Centred Living Course, Crossway Baptist Church, Burwood East, Victoria

Danny Hunt.  (23/11/2004) Sermon from Crossway Baptist Church, Burwood East, Melbourne, Australia

*Dr. Phil McGraw.  (1999) Life Strategies, Vermilion Press, London, England

Steve Shamblin.  (1986) How to Grow up Spiritually, Peacemakers Ministry, NSW Australia

Hal Oxley.  (1988) Life Ministry Bible College notes, Chirnside Park, Victoria



1.    *Ortberg, John.  (1997) The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Michigan, USA, Zondervan Publishing House, page 49

Join us for the next post when we will focus on what Jesus’ life, death and resurrection has gained for us, His Jesus Followers.  Until then, may you continue to grow in Him and in His love for you,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


One Response to “7c. So How do I Develop Christian Personal Growth?”

  1. What encouraging comments, webcam girls. I write what I have learned over the 25+ years as a Counsellor and Mentor. You might also enjoy my other blog too: http://www.hearinggod.mentorsnotebook.com/blog or for something different: http://www.conflictsolutions.mentorsnotebook.com or my newest one: http://www.totalwholeness.mentorsnotebook.com May you see more and more ‘God-touches’ in your life and follow His ways more and more, Susanne

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