3/5a The Challenge of Secular Humanism

 So far we have looked at the Foundational teachings of the Christian faith as a basis for our beliefs. We have covered the overview of why Christianity is being challenged, who is the Trinity, topics about the Holy Spirit and finished with a quick look at what scholars call ‘End Time Events’.

 Around 1990 into 2000, a pastor named Barry Smith began to see world leaders and governments moving into what was to be called ‘The New World Order’.  The Holy Spirit began to pull Scriptures together to show the end times would involve a one world monetary, military, government and religion systems.

Later would come a united education and legal agreements that would bring ‘peace’ to the world.  It was an interesting ‘theory’ then, but as the years have gone by, we seen such systems being put in place.

 I have included one of his teaching sessions in a YouTube video in the next post.  If you want more of his information, you will find most of his collection on YouTube.

We know as Jesus Followers that He predicted the end of our age, beginning a new Ruler aimed at peace and harmony.  Before that does happen, however, horrific events will come to this Earth.  We see the ‘birth pains’ already in the ‘wars and rumors of wars’, in genocide, violence and destruction of whole towns.  Even the Earth is reacting, feeling the pain of almost 7,000 years of human neglect, misuse and devastation.

Knowing this would be happening, the Lord gave us one main statement: “Let not your heart be troubled…….”.  This is my words to my readers also. 

 In these next few posts, we will now turn to the direct challenges to the Christian faith: Secular Humanism, Evolution, the New Age, deceived Cults and false Religions.  We also and another challenge – that of the counterfeit ‘Religiosity’, or ‘Church-logy’ as some would call it, ‘Churchianity”. 

 We present these different topics for your thoughtful consideration.  Do the teachings found in these Five areas of challenge match what the Bible calls faith and Truth?  Have you been ‘enticed’ into following something that is really ‘a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing’?   Where are your firm foundations?


 Satan has presented five ‘religious packages’ to mankind, all based on the lies that Eve accepted in the Garden of Eden. He sells these lies in many forms but they are still the same lies. The five most common packages are Humanism, Evolution, The New Age, Cults and Counterfeit Religions. We will cover each of these topics in the following posts.

 The Bible says that we are involved in a spiritual battle between two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of Darkness. Within these two kingdoms are two very different value systems: Christianity, which states that God and His Word are Truth – and Humanism: “There is no God and every person needs to set their own values.”

 Many Christians are losing ground to Satan because they do not know what these challenging packages are and what they themselves believe or stand for.

 The battle lines are drawn. Both kingdoms have a stake in influencing young hearts and minds for the next generation. There was a point in my life (SF), when I saw clearly that there were only two paths to life: Father God’s and the one who would replace God – the Antichrist’s.


 When Jesus was talking to the disciples and the people who wanted to follow Him in Luke 6:46, He said:

 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do what I say?”

 Many people today say ‘Lord, Lord’, but still chose death and refuse to obey. Instead their focus is on earning their own salvation, of doing ‘something’ to assure God’s favour. However, these ‘works’ are not what He asks of us. Is His Word really our focus? Does our private belief match our public life? We need to bring every area of our life under His Lordship.



 It is obvious that our underlying assumptions on the meaning of life will greatly influence everything we hold as truth. Our biases determine our motives for everything we do.  In fact, the definition of a ‘religion’ is:

 “A cause, principle or system of belief, held to with ardour and faith which attempts to explain the origins of life, the purpose of life or the way life has developed.”

 As such, both secular Humanism and Evolution could well be classified as ‘religions’.  Therefore, we need to examine our basic ‘assumptions’ about these common beliefs.  Satan challenges the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith. 

 Following are some areas Humanism and Evolution are trying to discredit:

 1. Creation by a loving, personal God, who still wants to be involved in our life in a personal relationship,

2. The inspiration of the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is His infallible Word to us, including God’s view of end time events,

3. The God-inspired virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His sinless life and His resurrection,

4. The need for an atoning substitution work of Christ that the human race is in need of ‘saving’ from our basic greed and self-centeredness.  Often this is the belief of Grace versus ‘works’, Faith versus Law,

5. The literal, bodily return of Christ to Earth and His kingdom’s rule over the works of Darkness,

6. The coming Judgements by a righteous God.

As you can see, these are the basic foundations of what Jesus taught and what the Bible reinforces as Life for the believer.


 So what do we mean be ‘Secular Humanism’? 

 We find much of the Humanist thinking influencing the world around us.  Humanists actually believe a explanation of Man’s origin without God.  What they don’t realise is this is actually the definition of a ‘religion’.  Their beliefs then are the basis for their own religion. 

 The Humanist religion leaves man ‘free’ and unaccountable to God.  They teach that there is not now, or ever has been, a Supreme Being.  There is no personal God who is interested in the affairs of man.  This is the bridge between the Humanistic thinking and the Evolution emphasis we find around us.

 Join us for our next post when we examine more closely what the main belief system lies behind this thinly veiled attempts to eliminate God’s fundamental laws and justice.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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