Christian Foundations – YouTube on the Beliefs of the Mormons

Christian Foundations presents another YouTube Video on ‘What the Mormons Believe’ by TackleboxMinistries on Oct 13, 2009.  Interesting to see their beginning and what they believe will happen at the end of their earthly journey!

Here is a second YouTube by the oneminuteapologist on Nov 29, 2011.  The program is interviewing Dr. Richard G. Howe, a leading expert in the area of Mormon beliefs, on ‘What do Mormon’s Believe?’

 Watching these two YouTube videos on the Cult group called the Mormons will give you an overview of their worldview and Cult doctrines.  We have presented these two video not to make fun of this Cult or to try and recruit others, but to show the difference in their doctrines to that of the Christian Foundations given to us by the Bible and Jesus’ teachings.  We trust this has helped you further understand this group.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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