5/9 So how can we Help people to get out of a Cult back into Christian Foundations?

For those of us who have had loved ones or even our neighbours involved in what appears to be a Cult group, how can we help them see the control, deception and misguided teachings of their beloved group?  Are they interested in leaving or is it fear and threats that keep them stuck in the group?

Here are some suggestions to help people who are in the Cults to see the freedom and grace that Father God offers.


Whenever a Christian encounters someone from a cult or another religion, understanding the meaning of their terms and belief system becomes essential for witnessing.  We must talk the same language in order to communicate the importance of God’s love and grace.

1. The Confusion of Terminology

Definitions and interpretations are often where misunderstandings exists; we can be saying the same words but with completely different meanings. Some cults do this on purpose.

See the post from my other blog: “They Speak with other Tongues” as a funny example.  Learning to talk ‘their language’ is important in order to help get across our concepts. Sound Biblical doctrines, such as “the New Birth”, “Atonement”, “eternal hell and God’s judgement” must be translated into their context for understanding.

For some Cult groups, they use the same words as you – but with totally different meanings.

2. Present Biblical Truth to their Understanding

“Personal redemption from sin…” is a very important concept but what does that mean? How could you translate this real human need into a concept understood and useful to others outside your faith? At the heart of all belief is our view of the world – is it a safe, accepting place or a threatening, over-whelming place?

The underlying questions of “Am I secure, coping with life’s issues” is at the heart of talking to others about God. “Do I see a deep need for relationship with God in my life and how do I get there?” Tapping into these concerns is at the heart of witnessing to others.

3. Avoid Vain Arguments

Have your own testimony ready to give to others, but make sure you know the reality of your own faith and don’t try to ‘argue’ with others to convince them of the Truth.  Never set out to just win the argument. Cults and many religious people can lift Biblical quotes out of context to apply to their arguments – often better than Christians do.

Take an Evangelistic class and learn how to talk to the ‘pre-believers’ before you hit the streets looking for converts from the Cults.

“But avoid foolish controversies and … arguments and quarrels … because these are unprofitable and useless.” Titus 3:9.

4. Eliminate Your own Judgements and Biases

Keep a check on personal judgement and unforgiveness for the person involved in the cult or other religion. What we judge will become bound into our own belief system, thus tripping us up in our freedom to grow. It is important to accept the person even if you disagree with their views.

5.  Never Underestimate the Holy Spirit’s Ability in that person’s life.

Most of the time, it is hard for anyone to step out of a cult or a cultural religion. That is why Christianity is a religion of ‘revelation’. We must help them find the revelation of who Jesus is, and allow His truth into their world.  This isn’t found by convincing, debating, arguing or shouting.  It come from the conviction of the Holy Spirit as someone is willing to ‘hear His voice’.

Helping the person ‘hear’ the Gospel is the challenge of the evangelist. Remember the woman at the well with Jesus?  He spoke only a few sentences and yet, she heard and was ready to really listen.  It’s only at that point that a person is ready for truth.

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent Me draws him ….”John 6:44. We must learn to work with Father God.  Don’t underestimate the power of  your prayers.

6.  Educative yourself on the Cult group you are talking to!

Know you Bible and the verses they are most likely to use against you.  If possible, read what they believe from their own material.  Study the Cult and know its history.  Beware of unfounded views of what other think they might believe – but don’t.  They will be insulted and shut the door on you.

7.  Don’t attack the leader or leaders of the Cult – that may come later.

To start with, their loyalty may still be with the group, or they may still be under the fear and threat of those still in the group.  Their own family or friends may suffer the consequences of that person leaving the Cult.  Be sensitive and understanding of those fears and insecurities.  Try to build their faith in the security that comes with trust in God.


1.  Teach the Bible Truths!

The best thing is that we so teach new converts – and all Christians – to read and know their Bible.  We, as Jesus Followers need to be the caring, compassionate help that the world needs.  The Church needs to be the first stop for those who are seeking or who are hurt and needy.  This helps them to avoid the trap to start with.

2.  Know what you are facing before you step in that place of rescue.

There are many good books around that help prepare someone who has a heart and a calling (!) for those caught in Cults.  They are often either been in one themselves, have friends or family there or are sovereignly called by God into this ministry.  Help to keep them physically away from the Cult so they won’t be reinfected.

3.  Be prepared to face that person’s issues and needs.

Helping someone get out of the grasp of a Cult takes time, effort and sometimes, emotional and financial commitment.  Find out about the Ministry of those who ‘de-program’ and actually take the person by force from the group.   If this isn’t your cup of tea, find other Cults groups to reach.

4.  Give them the Bible Truth to replace their false beliefs.

Teach the Truth gently rather than cramming it down their throats all at once.  Gently show them the inconsistencies of their Cult beliefs.  Find good information for them to see the holes in the views they once believed as you rebuilt their belief system in the Lord.  Follow the conviction of the Holy Spirit as you present the basics from the Bible and your own testimony.

5.  Don’t be a ‘Lone Ranger’.

Have a group around you that knows how to do spiritual warfare and can keep you covered in prayer when you are within any Cult meetings or helping others to see the Truth of the Bible.  Don’t try and go it alone!

As we can see there is a definite need to help other get out of a Cult, especially if this is a dangerous, controlling group.  No one likes to know their friends or family are trapped in something that is harmful to themselves  or to others.

However, there is a timing  and an education issues for you as the carer.  Are you called into this God-given ministry or do you just want to argue with others?  What are your motives as what is in your heart is what the enemy will use or the Cult can sense.

Hopefully, this basic outline will give you information to see how Cults work and how to avoid them. If you have someone who is lost in a cult, you need to pray and ask the Lord to remove them and give you the insight and tools needed. It can be a long and arduous task and very often ends in failure. This is not an easy ministry.

In our next posts, we will enter into the world of false Religions as the next Challenge to the Christian Foundations we know as Truth.  Join us then,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author




Aldrich, Willard M. Dr. The Battle for Your Faith, Multnomah Press, Oregon, USA,1975.

Anfuso, Francis. Booklets: “Christianity vs. World Religions” & “Who’s that Knocking on my Door?”, “What we Believe and Why we Believe it”, California, USA, 1981.****

Boyle, Tony. “Major Cults”, Life Ministry Bible College, Chirnside Park, Victoria, Australia, 1988.

Christian Resource Series, author unknown. “The New Age” pamphlet, Texas, USA, 1990.****

Conner, Kevin J. The Foundations of Christian Doctrine, Acacia Press, Blackburn, Vic., Australia, 1980.

Fengler, Daniel & Susan.  Christ Centred Living Course, Crossway Baptist Church, Australia, 1985.

House, Wayne H. Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine, Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, USA, 1992.

LaHaye, Tim. The Battle for the Family, Fleming Revell Publishing Company, New Jersey, USA, 1979

LaHay, Tim. The Battle for the Mind. Fleming Revell Publishing Company, New Jersey, USA, 1980. ****

McDowell, Josh & Stewart, Don. Understanding the Cults, Campus Crusade for Christ, California, USA, 1983.

Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults, Bethany House, Minnesota, USA, 1985. ****

Meath, John. “The Relevance of Origins and the Validity of Genesis”, Life Ministry Bible College Notes, Victoria, Australia, 1988.

Oxley, Pastor Hal. Life Ministry Bible College Notes, “End Time Events”, Chirnside Park, Vic., 1988

Sherlin, Dr. Keith.  Essential Christianity, “How to identify Cults’, www.esentialchristianity.com

Stevens, Selwyn. Fatal Faith. Jubilee Ministries, New Zealand, 1992. ****

Stevens, Selwyn. Essentials for Faith. Jubilee Publishers, Wellington, New Zealand, 1992.****

Stevens, Selwyn. The New Age, Jubilee Publishers, Wellington, New Zealand, 1992.****


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