#3. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

‘We have been Disillusioned With Church’

“We are very disillusioned with the modern church. Are we going so we can get built up as disciples and learn solid teachings on the bible, or are we going to a semi-Hollywood entertainment clip? I am actually sad and mad because I do love to worship with fellow believers. But it just gets weird, and so many doctrines are getting twisted to suit man and not God.

“It is a sad time for churches and these new Christian movements popping up. I know I am sounding awful, but we have tried so many churches it is embarrassing.

“My husband finally suggested we could just have church at home and maybe offer a Bible study in the community residence that we live in. So I am ready to let go of the modern church for now, and go it alone with my family, and any of those we meet along the way through a possible study.”

Comments by Mozart


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Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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