6/7 6 Stages of Growth in our walk with Jesus on Christian Foundations

We can see at least 6 different terms relating to our growth in Jesus’ Kingdom. These stages can overlap but the general direction needs to be growth upward through the stages. As with each stage, many are content to just sit at the level of growth.

1. We all came into God’s kingdom as a Slave:

We all Slave to the world’s way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations, its drives and signs of success. Entering the kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colossians 1:13.  We are set free from power of sin which kept us as slaves before Jesus touched our life, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1.

 “So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and since you are a son, God has made you an heir.” Galatians 4:7

We are freed from the evils of this world, dead to sin and the world, able to defeat the world. We are free from condemnation and guilt that once follows someone who does not know that are created to walk with the Lord.

2. From Slave to The Servant-hood stage:

This applies to just serving versus being in relationship with ‘the Owner’. Most believers begin their journey into the church and Christian world by serving. They jump into ‘doing programs’, doing as asked by church leaders and authorises.

We do need to keep this attitude of being a servant as we continue to grow. The difference is we are growing into being a servant of Christ, obedient to His will rather than religion, organised programs, etc. Some of these paths of service can be without His blessings. Again, it is easy to stop at ‘doing’ rather than ‘rest in being’ in relationship with our Creator.

3. From the Servant to being Adopted into His family:

 He did pre-planned us to be adopted, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:23, 9:4. John 1:12.  “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the child of God.” Romans 8:15, we are given ‘a spirit of sonship’.

It can be quite a revelation to really know that we are adopted into His family, especially if we have come from a broken, painful childhood where family was an abstract, hurtful concept. We become a Child of God!

Let that soak in before you continue.

Yet even an heir to the throne needs tutoring, minding and disciplining. Even an Heir as a child is subject to guardians. This also ties into the purpose of discipline as we grow in Jesus.

“What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His son into our heart, the Spirit who calls out ‘Abba’, Father.” Galatians 4:1-7

4. From a Child into Sonship:

The next stage of growth is being to take on responsibilities in God’s kingdom. Taking on the duties, rights and authority we have in Christ. We can learn to handle the enemy in our own life – as well as helping others to learn who they are in Christ. This applies the same to whether we are a male or female, we all are to aim for ‘Sonship’. Galatians 4:5, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:14

5. Growing into Maturity and a Joint heir with Christ:

 We are the Ambassadors, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Priest and a King unto God – Revelation 1:6, 1 Peter 2:9. Once we have learned to be that joint heir in w]our authority in Christ, we step into a whole new adventure with Jesus. We are coming of age where we can fully represent our Lord.

6. Then, Growth brings us to the Bride of Christ:

It’s just possible that not all Christians are part of the bride, even though we are part of ‘the church’. We see different groups of people at the wedding supper of the Lamb, Matthew 25:1, 10 wise and ten foolish virgins, friends – John 3:29, onlookers and even a stranger in the wrong clothes.

Many ‘Sunday Christians’’ will find a great blessing being in heaven but it will be ‘The Bride’ who will reign and rule with Christ. It will be the ones who have allowed the Lord to do the heart work, the discipline and the obedience – even unto death – that will be seated with Him, spotless and perfect! Revelation 21:2 continues with this description. Again, both males and females will be part of ‘The Bride’

No matter where we are on our walk with the Lord, His love for us is unconditional and does not change. He is allowing our free will to decide how far we will allow Him to help us grow.

May you find yourself on an ever increasing growth sprint as you head to the finish line.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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