#6. Readers Respond: “Too Much Tradition in the Modern Churches

Why Don’t You Go to Church?

“I tried for 7 years to find a local church that wasn’t either: 1. ….wacky in their understanding of the Holy Spirit,     or 2. Run like the satirical “church” in this video: ‘What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church?’ A Parable (see our next post)

“I must say that video is a powerful analogy to what most churches feel like nowadays. But that isn’t even the biggest problem. The thing is, I am tired of preachers who are afraid to tell the truth. I am tired of pastors who won’t call sin, sin, and only care about “felt needs” and making people feel better.

Us “feeling better” isn’t what Jesus came here for!

“He came to forgive us and transform us from the wretches we are into His image. Most churches nowadays are humanistic self help groups, and not biblical, to say the least.”  Comments by Sherrie


We invite you to add your comments to the posts as we go along.  Agree?  …or disagree? … What do you think? 

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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