#7. Reader’s comments – the Church is too Judgemental

So why don’t you go to church?   “It’s too Judgemental and hypocritical”

“I stopped going to THE church when it became a place of HOLY people, rather than the place to be cleansed. I left when it became the house of the righteous and not the house for the lost and searching. If my search brought me there, was it a crime to ask more questions?

I found judgment from others came easily as breathing. I heard the Word misconstrued and used out of context.

“I left when it stopped being the place of worship and became the house of gossip. I needed a place with my God. Love the people, but not the organization . Jesus is the Church and we are in Him, and His love, joy peace, patience, compassion, gentleness flows out through us to others.

When the “church” realizes this and extols Jesus, reveals Jesus, preaches Jesus, loves Jesus, then this is when the “church” will draw outsiders in. Jesus said “If I be lifted up…extolled, glorified, worshipped, spoken of and adored…I will draw all men unto Me…” This is what the Church is meant to be!!

Love the people, but not the organization . Jesus is the Church and we are in Him, and His love, joy peace, patience, compassion, gentleness flows out through us to others. When the “church” realizes this and extols Jesus, reveals Jesus, preaches Jesus, loves Jesus, then this is when the “church” will draw outsiders in. Jesus said “If I be lifted up…extolled, glorified, worshipped, spoken of adored…I will draw all men unto Me…” This is what the Church is meant to be!!

“People can get so caught up with trying to be holy and righteous that they forget that it’s about loving people. That’s enough to show me that one is holy and righteous.

Comments by Joanne


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Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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