6/18 It’s a Question for Leadership in Christian Foundations

In the first part of this fifth series on the Counterfeit church system as a challenge to Christian Foundations, we focused on some of what Jesus really taught and what was handed to the generations to us today.  We asked the Question “Is Jesus Relevant to us today?” We presented some reader’s comments along with some humour and serious debates.

We talked about how Jesus is coming back for a Bride that He is building, along with some YouTube videos on the subject.

Now we move into another part of the debate on church issues for today: Leadership in the church. How can we face abusive leadership and still keep our faith?

What place does leadership have in the ‘Gen x’ thinking? 

We will discuss these topics and others as we continue to look at the Counterfeit Religious church system.

Every organised ‘church’ group need to have three key ingredients in order to survive and grow in today’s world:  Truth, love and authority

1.  Truth:

 If truth is not taught, preached or given to the people, the message of Jesus will be filled with half-truths or watered down ideals.  The Truth that Jesus came to bring must continue in the hearts of the people for real change and growth.

2.  Love:

 Real community sharing and caring is the mark of true Jesus Followers.  He said this would be the way the world would know that we are His disciples.  His love for us is what kept Him on the cross, paying the price for us to find peace with a holy God.

Jesus could have had legions of angels fight the battle for Him but He chose – out of His love for us – to fulfil Father God’s Great Rescue plan.

3.  We need authority to keep a church group together.

Not only knowing the authority we have in the world of the Lord Jesus but also in key leadership roles in the church.  Guidance and proper council are needed with the work of the Holy Spirit to help people see the real Jesus.

Church leaders have a responsibility to use this authority wisely, certainly, coming from a servant heart.  There are also times when they need to use this authority to protect the weaker in the congregation – such as help for single Mums, older people or the youth.  Failure to act in Godly discipline has split some churches as much as over use of authority.

If there is an unbalance in any one of these three, the church group will suffer.  If there is too much authority and too little love, people will feel controlled and judged.  If too much love is applied without truth or authority, the group will also lose the light given by Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

May church leadership seek the Lord’s wisdom on all issues within the church life for the gentle balance of all three of these key elements for healthy growth in any group.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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