6/39 YouTube: Emergent Church Exposed & Defined

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This YouTube video is SO4J-TV’s Martha Mac interviewing Pastor & Author Bob DeWaay on Jan 22, 2010, ‘What is the Emergent Church? What does the Emergent Church Believe?

They discuss the many unbiblical beliefs of the ‘Emergent Church’ and about his Book “The Emergent Church— Undefining Christianity.”

According to Pastor Bob DeWaay, there is a lot of Confusion about the Emergent Church, and their Beliefs. He states that the Emergent Church avoids: “Definitions, Statements of Faith, and Boundaries, as they Embrace Postmodern Thinking and Mystery.

6/38 Some Websites that discuss Christian Foundation’s Issue

In searching the Internet to find some of the different views about the Challenges facing the followers of Jesus Christ, I came across some interesting site that discuss the discomfort with the modern day, system church structure.  I have listed a few of the more valid ones.

The basic principle we found was that people will tell you they like Jesusbut they don’t like the (System, Organization of) church. The love Jesus shows is being life, but many  Christians find the legalism and rituals without meaning and even stifling their inner hunger for God.  We have presented a few of these websites to help you look for Truth in Jesus rather than in the wrong places.

6/37 Christian Foundations looks at the Qualities of a good Leader

In our discussions on church Leadership, we need to remember that the Lord is building His Church.  It isn’t the institutional, religious system, nor is it a structure of legalism and rules that come from self-effort.  In all this discussion, then we must remember that the Lord will rise up His leaders as well.

The Lord raised up special judges to rescue His people, Judges 16:2.  It was the living relationship the Judge had with Jehovah that gave him the ability to rescue His people.  This is the vital, alive quality of leaders today.

#19. Readers Respond: Why Don’t You Go to Church?

Another reader’s responce to the question about going to their church:

“I guess what concerns me about the church I go to is that the gospel Jesus offered has been so watered down, I seldom hear it anymore.  I don’t remember the last time the speaker gave ‘an alter call’.  There is very little challenge in their message to even see the power of the gospel to change people’s heart.

“Then when the speaker aims to ‘translate the gospel’ into more modern terms for the non-believers in the church, it is often off base.  Sometimes it appeals to ‘being better husbands’ – which is good but without the help of the Holy Spirit, the heart of any husband won’t be changed.  They forget to mention that part.

6/36 Another view of Dan Kimball’s Book … not all agree!


 As we continue to look at he issues surrounding the Emerging Church, some of the controversy can be summed up in the book by Dan Kimball.  However, now everyone agrees with his viws.  We present a part of a review with some very revelavent points to our discussion from http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=3292 ,  February 22, 2007.


“Many people today, especially among the younger generations, don’t resonate with the church and organized Christianity. Some are leaving the church and others were never part of the church in the first place. Sometimes it’s because of misperceptions about the church. Often they are still spiritually open and fascinated with Jesus.”

6/35 Do You Like Jesus, But Not the Church? An interesting Book Review

As we continue with the theme of the Emerging Church, the following is an interesting Book Review – but careful, not all agree with his theme!

“I always have a stack of books to read on my bookshelf. Right now, it numbers a dozen deep, but just yesterday one book came in from Amazon and I picked it up immediately. It jumped right over the waiting list.

“It’s called “They Like Jesus But Not the Church” by Dan Kimball.