Foundations: The Fall of the Human Race, Part 2

We have been laying the Foundations for the Christian faith in this series.  So far, we have discussed how the Creator planned and then spoke the worlds into existence.  The angels in their levels, the universe, galaxies and the expanse of space were filled.  Then our Creator began the created part of the project – Adam and Eve.  We saw that their perfect existence was challenged by ‘a talking snake’

The Fall of the Human Race

A.  Welcome back!  Remember, this is our first series: “What does it mean to be a Jesus Follower?”   

In our last post, we covered how God created a spiritual universe before He created the Heaven and the Earth.  This realm was populated with hierarchies of angels, including 3 Archangels – Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel.  All these being exist in ‘the 3 heavens’, or layers of the spiritual universe.

Next, He spoke the physical worlds and the universe of stars and the solar systems into being.  He continued with land and sea, with creatures to inhabit both areas.  Then God turned to His greatest creation – Adam and then Eve.

Who is Jehovah, Part 2

We have just been looking at the nature and character of God in Part One of ‘Who is Jehovah’.  We now continue to look at the nature and character of our Creator.

It is amazing but Our Creator wants a Relationship with us!

The title “God of the Universe”, or Jehovah God, is rightfully belongs to God’s; He is the Creator of All.  He is also the “Universal King of Creation” as He sustains the universe, orders it and rules over it.

Who is Jehovah, Part 1

As we continue with our First Series on the Foundations of our Christian Faith, we need to look at the character and the nature of Jehovah, God of Creation.  Next, we’ll reflect on God’s eternal purposes and our relationship with Him as this Creator and Future Ruler.  Our Creator planned for a personal relationship with His creation – with you!

So let’s continue in our study of Jehovah, Creator and Father of all.

1.  God is One, in Unity with Himself. His plans and purposes for us and for mankind are not divided, compromised or incomplete, Deut. 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:6.  God is in total unity in the trinity; and in the principles He used to create the universe and all life.  He is not pernicious.

Series #1, part 2: So how do we grow?

In the first part of this our First series, we stopped to consider that our Creator wants us to grow.  Not only grown but to be ‘born again’.  For all of us it means a ‘refining process’.  Sure the whole package is ‘signed, sealed and delivered’ as we are already perfect in Jesus … but there’s still that ‘experiential’ part that means we live out the ‘still being made perfect’ through His work.

In part 2 of Series #1, we’ll look at some of the barriers that stop this change and growth and how important our motivation really is.  Then we’ll jump into learning how to promote our own growth into His kingdom. 

How Do we hear God’s Voice Today?

One of the question that is tossed around alot is ‘How Does God speak’?  As we read through stories and follow the Bible accounts, here are the main ways that God talks to us:

1. The PEACE of the Holy Spirit, the inner witness or calmness that comes with a right decision. Tranquillity, a rest and an inner contentment: Romans 8:16, I John 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 John 3:24, 4:13, Galatians 4:6.  This is the main way that we know His guidance.  All believers must know the difference between His peace and the lack of problems, between peace and what the world calls happiness.