The following is the YouTube comments connected with the book written by Philip Yancey.
” ‘The Jesus I Never Knew’ audio book gives a moving and refreshing portrait of the central figure of history, Jesus Christ. With a willingness to tackle difficult questions, Yancey looks at the radical words of this itinerant Jewish carpenter and asks whether we are taking him seriously enough in our own day and age.Read more...(265 words, 2 images, estimated 1:04 mins reading time)
Some good Music to add to your list: Uploaded by sainted168 on April 22, 2008.
“Know and understand that the Rapture of the Church is a pivotal doctrine of the New Testament Church. If we are not taken out before the wrath of God comes upon this world in the Tribulation, then it would be like God passing Judgment on the Righteousness of Christ.
“We who have accepted Christ into our hearts are saints, “hagios” in the Greek meaning literally “holy ones”. Please understand how important this doctrine is to our faith! Know it, teach it, and preach it.”Read more...(106 words, 1 image, estimated 25 seconds reading time)
Another reader’s comments about the church of today:
“The church in not What It Was Meant To Be”
“Back when it was the early church, folks gave up their lives to move out and reach the world with the gospel. Not to say that they were perfect, but I feel many churches miss the mark.Read more...(218 words, 2 images, estimated 52 seconds reading time)
Probably one of the most well known Bible verses is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
But is it relevant to you today – that is my question to you today – Is Jesus Christ Relevant?
The scripture speaks of God’s love for His creation, a love so great that – He gave. He gave something of great value –He broke into our time and space and became Jesus Christ of Nazareth – that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Read more...(1724 words, 5 images, estimated 6:54 mins reading time)
“We are very disillusioned with the modern church. Are we going so we can get built up as disciples and learn solid teachings on the bible, or are we going to a semi-Hollywood entertainment clip? I am actually sad and mad because I do love to worship with fellow believers. But it just gets weird, and so many doctrines are getting twisted to suit man and not God.
“It is a sad time for churches and these new Christian movements popping up. I know I am sounding awful, but we have tried so many churches it is embarrassing.Read more...(194 words, 1 image, estimated 47 seconds reading time)
We can see at least 6 different terms relating to our growth in Jesus’ Kingdom. These stages can overlap but the general direction needs to be growth upward through the stages. As with each stage, many are content to just sit at the level of growth.
1. We all came into God’s kingdom as a Slave:
We all Slave to the world’s way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations, its drives and signs of success. Entering the kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colossians 1:13. We are set free from power of sin which kept us as slaves before Jesus touched our life, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1. Read more...(849 words, 3 images, estimated 3:24 mins reading time)
From Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sons by Jack Frost
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A Word from the Lord:
"I have followed the flight of an eagle with My eyes. I have seen the mighty fish in the sea and they all give Me great pleasure ..… but do you know the greatest of all My creation is the Adam and Eve I created?
"Time has not changed My joy in seeing mankind grow. However, My heart has been saddened when I know the pleasure I wish to give My people, give to you My child. My ways are meant to be light, My burden easy. Religions and rules make the heaviness I wish to lift from My people.
"I long to draw you closer, to teach you deeper things of My Spirit. I need you to let your Heart rest in My love, to rest in My peace. I know the paths ahead for you. I have planned and will provide many treasures you have yet to see. Look for My hand and let Me guide you.
"I do know of your beginnings, of the painful places you have walked in your life. I have provided healing and grace to get up and go on … but know this, My child - I have never left your side. I have always walked with you, even when you cannot see My hand in your life. It is in times like this that I wish to grow your faith and trust.
"I have treasured your growth in following Me … and I want you to continue to seek Me for who I am, not what others have said about Me - or what the groups around you think.
"Look for Me and you will see Me in many layers in your life. I know your future; I know the dark places ahead and the places filled with sunshine and light. You will find Me in both places as I am moulding you and teaching you to walk with Me.
"Trust Me as you see the world around you. I will never leave you or walk away from you as I love you with a deep everlasting love. Yes, even when you make mistakes or take your eyes off the track. I am here! Rest in My peace and continue to let me fill you with My ways, with My treasures."
From Your Lord Jesus, your loving Father God via the Holy Spirit.
If you would like your own personal Word from the Lord, come find me on
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book - the Jesus I never Knew
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Susanne Fengler, Blog Author
Who is Susanne?
Who is Susanne?
I am the wife of an amazing husband, Daniel. I have been working on my 'hobby' of website design for over three years. Made any money... well...not enough to pay for our hosting account at Hostgater....but that's partly what a hobby is all about.
I've enthusiastically jumped into blogs with 'a warehouse of great info' we have collected over our 20 plus years of counselling and mentoring. So, please take advantage of the years of wisdom we have gathered.
We have dedicated this blog to build hope that everyone out there can really, really hear from God and that is our heart's desire! He gives us true focus, sets our priorities and build our faith in His love.
Your Thoughts? I’d especially love to hear from those of you who know something about this topic to those who are sceptical or have yet to begin this journey.
Contact us on sf7272[at] Also see our 'About us' page.
Remember all our stories, pictures and personal information contained in our stories have been changed to protect the identity of the people involved, unless given permission to use their details.
We also have four other blogs: www.thebookaboutyou. with recommendations of great books and music. www.conflictsolutions.mentors We have started the series: "What your Dad didn't tell you About the Opposite Sex!"
www.totalwholeness. - the Christian view of our Personality and how important it is to take care of our Body!
www.hearinggod.mentors - Learning to know the voice of your Creator!
To begin this section, let me tell you a story. 'Jenny' grew up in a semi-Christian home where she went to Sunday School every Sunday. It was probably more so that her parents had Sunday morning to themselves, away from their 4 children that they were sent to church. For whatever reason, little seeds grew in Jenny until she was a 20 year old and working in the church office.
She enjoyed her work and 'served well'. She even had a t-shirt made that said 'Steward of the Most High God'. She often marked her folders as 'Jenny, Steward of God'. This sounded like a good saying and to her, even sound doctrine … but it wasn't the whole truth. Something was missing.
She thought about leaving this group and looking for another church. Working in the church office made her feel like she belonged somewhere. She was the 'Helper to the Pastor' and that was how others saw her too.
They were her 'authority', her source of comfort and didn't they have the final say on what the Bible said? She wasn't really 'close' with any of them anyhow; none had tried to help her grow spiritually. She kept the rules of the church but quietly thought about 'church hopping someday'.
When she had a good day at work, she felt God smiled at her, even though her peers frequently excluded her in their church activities. She had her job with the church and they didn't. "Maybe they are just envious", she thought. "I need to protect what God has given me, especially since they don't understand me."
More and more she felt guarded and distrustful of others in the church and sometimes - if she let her thoughts go there - even felt the church pasters and leaders weren't doing the very best as stewards that they could have. "God was sole owner of everything and He had given me a job to do!" … and that was that as far as Jenny told herself.
So that was Jenny until the day her Mother died and she faced some hard truths. She was independent and could take care of herself but what about her family? One or two of the pastor's wives stopped by to offer their sad words but few others came.
The funeral wasn't very impressive as their money had been used for doctors. Jenny felt alone and lost, wanting to be loved by those she served but somehow, all this need and pride was mixed with isolation and being alone.
Sad and lonely, she went for a walk. "There's got to be more to God than this!" She began to question if she even knew the real Jesus and His love for her. At first, she didn't really feel like she could talk to HIM, the One who walked beside her. She didn't feel worthy; maybe she hadn't done enough? She was only His Steward …. but He saw her as so much more!
As Jenny walked and allowed His love to penetrate her independent, self-sufficient Heart. Her view of her walk as a Jesus follower began to change. Her view of being that 'Steward' began to melt into another sense of being His child first.
She began to feel gratitude for what the Lord was doing for her … and for her family. Never having known her biological father, she began to sense she really had a Father who just might cared for her. As the tears rolled down her face, she could she had turned her back on the real Source of her comfort, turned to the pastors who could never fill that need inside.
She could see that believing she was 'only His steward' had robbed her of knowing she was His child. Taking care of His things had replaced knowing she owned these things as His heir and beloved daughter.
She returned to the home she knew with greater peace than ever. She removed the labels 'Steward of God' of her folders and books. She replaced the labels with 'Growing child of God'. What a difference she felt!" (Names and places have been changed to protect 'Jenny's identity.)
As we begin this Stage 4 in our series From Slave to Bride, join us to find answers for your own life.