Christian Foundations: Our Creator has given us Spiritual Authority

 If you were with Jesus when He was here on Earth, there would be no doubt something was different about Him.  Sure, He related to the common people more, which made the religious leaders jealous.    However, what really set Him apart from all the other religious teachers was the authority He used and the reactions from the realm of the demonic.  Satan’s forces had no doubts about His power over them.  He was sent to destroy the works of the enemy and that He did just be being who He was.

Christian Foundational Beliefs about Angels

One of the topics we sometimes get asked to talk about in our Christian Foundations course has been  ‘Who are Angels’This is a brief overview of what the Bible and Christian mean when they talk about the supernatural world of angles.

The Old Testament hints of the spiritual realm, with invisible, evil, supernatural created cosmic beings who have set out to sidetrack and destroy Israel and the whole world.  This conflict is played out in every event that Israel faced as tribes and as a nation.  They were surrounded by nations who openly followed other gods and practice inspired by the demonic.  These nations had allowed evil to the point where God had to bring judgement

The Six Stages of Growth as a New Creation

We can see at least 6 different terms relating to our standing in Jesus’ Kingdom.  These stages can overlap but the general direction needs to be growth upward through the stages.  As with each stage, many are content to just sit at the level of growth. 

1.  We all came into God’s kingdom as a Slave:  We all Slave to the world’s way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations.  Entering the kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colossians 1:13.  We are set free from power of sin, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1.  We are freed from the evils of this world, dead to sin and the world, able to defeat the world.  We are free from condemnation and guilt that once follows someone who does not know that are created to walk with the Lord.

Foundations: The Fall of the Human Race, Part 2

We have been laying the Foundations for the Christian faith in this series.  So far, we have discussed how the Creator planned and then spoke the worlds into existence.  The angels in their levels, the universe, galaxies and the expanse of space were filled.  Then our Creator began the created part of the project – Adam and Eve.  We saw that their perfect existence was challenged by ‘a talking snake’

Christian Foundations Featured Website

Once a month we try and present some of the Christian sites on the ‘Net.  Today, we are featuring one of the Mission groups we are associated with – but from a YouTube presentation.  We present GraceWorks and their base in Myanmar, Burma.

We hope you have enjoyed their presentation, Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

The Fall of the Human Race

A.  Welcome back!  Remember, this is our first series: “What does it mean to be a Jesus Follower?”   

In our last post, we covered how God created a spiritual universe before He created the Heaven and the Earth.  This realm was populated with hierarchies of angels, including 3 Archangels – Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel.  All these being exist in ‘the 3 heavens’, or layers of the spiritual universe.

Next, He spoke the physical worlds and the universe of stars and the solar systems into being.  He continued with land and sea, with creatures to inhabit both areas.  Then God turned to His greatest creation – Adam and then Eve.