Who is Jehovah, Part 2

We have just been looking at the nature and character of God in Part One of ‘Who is Jehovah’.  We now continue to look at the nature and character of our Creator.

It is amazing but Our Creator wants a Relationship with us!

The title “God of the Universe”, or Jehovah God, is rightfully belongs to God’s; He is the Creator of All.  He is also the “Universal King of Creation” as He sustains the universe, orders it and rules over it.

Who is Jehovah, Part 1

As we continue with our First Series on the Foundations of our Christian Faith, we need to look at the character and the nature of Jehovah, God of Creation.  Next, we’ll reflect on God’s eternal purposes and our relationship with Him as this Creator and Future Ruler.  Our Creator planned for a personal relationship with His creation – with you!

So let’s continue in our study of Jehovah, Creator and Father of all.

1.  God is One, in Unity with Himself. His plans and purposes for us and for mankind are not divided, compromised or incomplete, Deut. 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:6.  God is in total unity in the trinity; and in the principles He used to create the universe and all life.  He is not pernicious.

The Rights and Privileges of a Jesus Follower

This is for anyone who is a Jesus Follower.  Here is what you have been promised when you were reborn into His Family!

To who it may concern:  Please know that (Your name) _______________ has the rights and Privileges that go with their decision to be a Follower of Jesus!.

  You are free from all condemnation through Christ – Romans 1:8

  You are a New Creation in Jesus Christ, given a new way of living, thinking and being – 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians  4:24, Colossians 3:10, 1 Peter 1:23

Series #1, Session 2 – The Creation of the Spiritual World

Greetings and welcome to our First Series on Christian Foundations.  So far we looked at the Central Figure in Creation, the One called Jehovah in the Old Testament.  We found that not only was He creator of Heaven and Earth and all creation, but He also wants a special relationship with His creation … and with you!

In our second topic of this First Series, we will be discussing Jesus as ‘the Creator’, The Spiritual Dimension and the Spirit Beings around us, the different Heavens, our adversary Satan and his Fall, Spiritual Warfare, Battle Tactics, Weapons and Allies in the Fight of Good and evil.

Series #1: 2. How do we Grow our Relationship with Jesus?

In our last session in this series, we talked how God expects us to grow.  For many people this is blocked by barriers to reaching this growth.  Therefore we need to make choice to get our motivation started on the right path; our will has to be willing!

Growth and change are ordained by God be a normal part of Christian living.  When we really believe that, then we can work with Father God, so that growth and freedom will take place.  In this session, we want to look at our relationship with Jesus.  How do we come to the place of loving Him – with our whole being and others as ourselves?

Inspirational Music: Open the eyes of my Heart

Here is a great and inspirational song for you to consider as you think about change and allowing the Holy Spirit to touch your heart more.

I turst you will allow the words to sink deep into your heart,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author