Series #1, part 2: So how do we grow?

In the first part of this our First series, we stopped to consider that our Creator wants us to grow.  Not only grown but to be ‘born again’.  For all of us it means a ‘refining process’.  Sure the whole package is ‘signed, sealed and delivered’ as we are already perfect in Jesus … but there’s still that ‘experiential’ part that means we live out the ‘still being made perfect’ through His work.

In part 2 of Series #1, we’ll look at some of the barriers that stop this change and growth and how important our motivation really is.  Then we’ll jump into learning how to promote our own growth into His kingdom. 

How Do we hear God’s Voice Today?

One of the question that is tossed around alot is ‘How Does God speak’?  As we read through stories and follow the Bible accounts, here are the main ways that God talks to us:

1. The PEACE of the Holy Spirit, the inner witness or calmness that comes with a right decision. Tranquillity, a rest and an inner contentment: Romans 8:16, I John 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 John 3:24, 4:13, Galatians 4:6.  This is the main way that we know His guidance.  All believers must know the difference between His peace and the lack of problems, between peace and what the world calls happiness.

Series #1: What does it mean to be a ‘Jesus Follower’?

Welcome to this Christian Foundation Blog!

Series One: ‘The Foundations of Following Jesus’

SESSION 1: What is Biblical Growth?

However, as we approach this Blog on Christian Foundations, the first thing we need to consider is why even read this blog?  What have you expected ….what do you think this blog is about?  Good questions but before we even look at the topics and series ahead, we want to set the firm idea that being a ‘Jesus Follower’ is all about change!  What?  Change ….how and what?   …… then why?

1.  First of all, God wants us to grow; all living things grow and change.

Sunday Cuppa’ with Susanne

Recently we were honoured to be invited to a “Birthday Blessing Celebration“.  This was a family we have been involved with for many rewarding years of friendship.  So we joined the group for a radant 16 year old’s celebration.  She (we’ll call her Jackie from now on)  had been through an amazing turn-around in her own short life time.  She had ‘stumbled’ through 3 years from depressed, suicidal, rebellious, defiant teen to this person who sat before us now.

——– >  So what’s a Birthday Blessing Celebration?  Keep reading ….

What is our Blog About?

———— > PLEASE NOTE: We hve added a new page, listing all posts, videos and other material for you!


We want to welcome you to “Christian Foundations”, a blog especially designed to share the basics and the ‘beyond milk’ and how to enhance your spiritual journey.   Here’s a quick preview!

We are very passionate about this topic, partly because learning to hear from God and being a ‘Jesus Follower’ has changed what we think is important in life! 

The Nature and Character of God

We have been looking at the nature and character of God in our first series: Who is Jehovah? We can see more of His true reflection by seeing what the Bible teaches.

One of the greatest challenges to our faith is “Why do things happen in my life which don’t seem fair?”  When we understand who God is, we will begin to understand why He does what He does.  Our ignorance of His nature is at the heart of many of our grumbles about life.