March 29th, 2016
We have been tracing the concept that we all come out of our own spiritual slavery to ‘Egypt’ when we
become Jesus Followers. We all begin messed up – we are not born perfect, Psalm 51:5.
- Everyone has a system of personal strongholds
As we have said in past posts, the vast majority of Christians come into God’s kingdom with worldly mindsets, ingrained bad habits, deep set judgements, biases, undealt with hurts, old forgiveness issues and other assorted heart stuff. These ‘fortified structures’ of false beliefs are what Paul refers to as ‘strongholds’. Read more... (986 words, 4 images, estimated 3:57 mins reading time)
Tags: growth, strongholds
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
January 15th, 2016
We have been tracing the concept that we all come out of our own spiritual slavery to ‘Egypt’ (sold into slavery) when
we become Jesus Followers. We all begin messed up – we are not born perfect, Psalm 51:4-5.
“…4 Against You, You only, I have sinned And done what is evil in Your sight, So that You are justified when You speak And blameless when You judge. 5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.“ Read more... (1041 words, 4 images, estimated 4:10 mins reading time)
- Everyone has a system of personal strongholds
- Some of our strongholds are set before we are even born.
Tags: baggage, renew mind, strongholds
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »