May 29th, 2015
1. A most common issue
In my over 30 years of counselling, many common problems emerge. For those who walk by what the Bible teaches, the most damaging issues is unforgiveness. Yes forgiveness of others but an often bigger issue is forgiveness – of themselves for not being perfect, for making mistakes or committing outright ‘sin’. This is especially important for those who have returned to the Lord from their own ‘Pigpen’ experience as we discussed in our last post!
2. Ruined lives because they believe the lies of the enemy Read more... (865 words, 3 images, estimated 3:28 mins reading time)
Tags: angry God?, forgiveness, Not a Judgemental God
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
May 26th, 2015
For some people, the whole church scene seems way too hard. They have ‘served’ to the best of their ability and been labelled as ‘not good enough’ or maybe burnt-out in trying to meet expectations. Perhaps they have run into controlling, abusive leadership and been broken in the middle of their journey.
Some jumped into another ‘system church’ or even drop out all together. Then there are a group of people who ‘returned to Egypt’; they go back to the world they left when they found Jesus. I am one of those who spent time away from the church scheme; I went into my ‘pigpen experience’. See Luke 15 with the story of the Prodigal son as the background for this post. Read more... (518 words, 2 images, estimated 2:04 mins reading time)
Tags: My pigpen time
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
April 18th, 2015
“The following is a press Release from the National Day of Prayer, Australia:
“We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of the United States of America and to pray for healing according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nation of the free world during World WaR II.” Alison Jessup
Australia – The team behind Australia’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting ( ) along with other prayer leaders are calling the nations of the world to prayer and fasting for seven days for the USA. (photo via Charisma News) Read more... (521 words, 1 image, estimated 2:05 mins reading time)
Tags: prayer for the USA
Filed under: Guest Posts, Susanne's top posts | No Comments »
March 26th, 2015
Ok so it is possible to get involved in a church system that isn’t pointing people toward Jesus. What do you do if you are caught in one of these churches? How do you handle harmful and abusive authorities in your church world and still be honouring?
There are Seven Steps of Action you can take when you disagree with something an authority asked you to do: Read more... (371 words, 2 images, estimated 1:29 mins reading time)
- Check your own attitudes – Make sure you are not just being stubborn and want your own way. Let them know your willingness to do the right thing with their guidance.
Tags: abusive authority, harmful authorities
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship, Guest Posts | No Comments »
March 16th, 2015
There are times when you find yourself in a ‘church box’ and the Lord is saying He wants you to come to greener pastures. Here are some things to think about before you leave your church by Dale A. Robbins, 1990, and is a publication of Victorious Publications, Grass Valley, CA 95949 – Use by Permission. Read more... (1462 words, 6 images, estimated 5:51 mins reading time)
Tags: before you leave your church
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
February 20th, 2015
So it is possible to be a Stewart but not be following where Jesus is! Down that path is ‘burnout’ – whether you’re a music leader, a home group leader, MOPS or even a pastor! True servanthood is about using His gifts to us versus striving in a church system to build another’s kingdom here on earth.
You can be involved in all the right acts of being a Christian: tithing, going to meetings, Sunday school and all the other related activities, and still be caught in legalism and judgement. It’s then that God’s love and grace can seem far away. Read more... (301 words, 3 images, estimated 1:12 mins reading time)
Tags: book on Desiring God, christian burnout
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »