7/45 We will Not face an angry, Judgemental God with Jesus


1.  A most common issue

In my over 30 years of counselling, many common problems emerge.  For those who walk by what the Bible teaches, the most damaging issues is unforgiveness.   Yes forgiveness of others but an often bigger issue is forgiveness – of themselves for not being perfect, for making mistakes or committing outright ‘sin’. This is especially important for those who have returned to the Lord from their own ‘Pigpen’ experience as we discussed in our last post!

2.  Ruined lives because they believe the lies of the enemy

As we have seen in our previous posts, the Conscience is conditioned by our family or origin, our peers and our society.  We have ‘internalised’ the voice of our Mother saying “You should….”  or “You aren’t ….”. All those shoulds, oughts, have to’s and musts are lodged in our Conscience as we grow up. Too often, Jesus Followers use this inner voice to guide them …. rather than “Jesus what are You saying?”  Since He is the Author of truth. why not ‘allow’ Him to help us make choices?

3.  Becoming free means to look at what we really believe about ourselves.

Somewhere along the line, we need to begin to question those statements our Conscience tells us:  Are they true?  Were you ‘lazy, sloppy, not pretty or handsome enough’…. or whatever has been the internal self-talk from years gone by.  Most of the time, those around us did not see us as we really were and yet their words have guided our Conscience to make certain decisions or accept undeserved condemnation. No, we weren’t lazy; we were tired after a long day at school.  No, we weren’t as pretty or as good as our siblings…but that doesn’t mean we are less of a person.  Yes, we did make the wrong choices whether through being deceived or letting our flesh get in the way of good decisions.  That is what Jesus came to help us with.  He took the punishment, made the reconciliation so we could be forgiven, released and then forgive ourselves.


1.  Coming to our Creator means a whole new identity and way to see ourselves.

chains7Are we going to cling to the ways other have seen us …. or will we chose to see ourselves as He does?  Will we hold onto the self-hatred or self-defeating beliefs of the past …. or see the New Creation that we really are?  That is part of the challenge to Jesus Followers!

2.  It becomes an exchange

We can take off the old ways of doing things and exchange the old ways for new ways.  It’s a ‘putting off’ and ‘putting on’ experience.  Catching the self-talk and the heart lies from the enemy is the beginning of freedom.

3.  The Scrapbook of our life

In the last book in the Old Testament, the book of Malachi, the prophet talks about ‘…a scroll of remembrance…’, Malachi 3:7.  This is also mentioned in book of Revelation as ‘The Lamb’s book of Life’.   It’s sort of like a huge scrapbook of our life, where our Creator has kept track of our days. For those who have come to Jesus and had a heart and spirit change, there are long sections missing from that book.  Why?  All the things we have done, said and believed have been wiped clean by Jesus’ sacrifice.  When we believe Him rather than our guilty Conscience, we have changed our present, future … and the pages in our scrapbook.

We are no longer held accountable for the things we bring to Him and allow Him to heal and ‘renew’ our thinking.  Really!

You will never, never stand before an angry, judgemental God who holds you accountable for every wrong word, action or sin when you face and work things through with Him!  Our Creator cannot and will not punish you as He has ‘already settled the accounts’ at the cost of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. What’s more, God cannot ‘double dip’ as the Aussies say – He cannot accept Jesus’ work and still hold you accountable!  You really are free of all condemnation and shame and guilt and remorse and … the list goes on.

4.  Unbelief and doubt stop this truth from being real.

The only thing that can stop that from happening …. is our unbelief …. and our own lack of self-forgiveness.  Can you grasp the freedom then you have in Christ?  The burden of guilt and wrong doing is ‘nailed to the cross’ as Jesus has brought reconciliation between a judgement God and the Jesus Follower.

Col 2:13-14    When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, 14 having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”

When you really get the ‘ahaaaa’ on that revelation, you understand how  ‘There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus….’, and your world changes!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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