4/9 Some Statements to think Through on your Beliefs

The following are some statements coming from several sources.  Think through whether the statement is true or false.  Then tick the box you think the statement belongs to:

B=Biblical, NA=New Age, H=Humanism, R=Religions, C=Christian Cults

Statements Made:






1. There is only one God and all paths lead to Him.

2. Jesus was just another good, very wise Man who showed His time how to live.

3. I’m okay, you’re okay just the way you are.

4. Man is a higher evolved form of animal.

5. Jesus (the Man) was present with Jehovah God in the beginning before creation.

6. Lucifer was one of the 3 created angelic beings created by God before creation.

7. We are all in control of our own destinies so we don’t need any God.

8. There is no set, valid criteria for human behaviour.  It all depends on circumstances.

9. Without God, mankind is deceived, blinded, without hope and enemies of God’s Truth..

10. We all can, and should, seek the teachings of the higher spiritual world.

11. We are a spirit being, we have a soul and we live in a body.

12. A select group of only 144,000 people will live with God in heaven.  Almost everyone else will go to 1 of 3 heavens.

13. No conscious, eternal torment such as hell, exists.

14. There are 5 groups of people: heterosexual. female lesbian, gay male and the transsexual.

15. If we eliminate all bad environments, we shall have perfect people.

16. Mohammad is the prophet for today.

17. My body with its physical appetites combine with my mind and emotions to war against my spirit and God’s will in my life.

18. We are on a journey; your path and your choices are okay for where you are now.

19. “Religion is the opiate of the masses.”

20. If I could change my circumstances, everything would be all right.



How did you go on sorting out the various viewpoints?  If you have questions, do some research to find out the truth from the Bible as this is our only source of Truth,


Complete the following chart on Creation versus Evolution.



Bible teaching:

1)  Origins of Earth.

Earth started from the ‘Big Bang”.

2)  Beginnings of life on Earth

Life began from a chemical reaction.

3)  ‘Theistic” evolution: once God started   life, it continued to evolve.

All life has evolved from single celled organisms.

4)  The Age of the Earth

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

5)  Man is the most evolved animal.

Man is at the top of the evolutionary tree.

6)  Man is an intelligent ape.

Man has descended from a common ancestry with the great apes.

7)  Death due to weakness in the species, an   ending to existence.

Death results as cells age and wear out. Some day scientists will stop aging and death.

8)  Survival of the Fittest

Only the best, most fit and strongest of each species has survived to continue the   genetic line.

9)  Missing Links in the Evolutionary Tree.

Missing links, being so few, have been lost in rock structures; to be discovered some   day.

10)  Fossils

Fossils are the evidence of millions of years of evolution.

      (Hint-the   flood)




Based on Genesis 3:4-5, compare the different worldviews of today and the Bible:



1. We  are born with evil in our hearts,   inherited from the fall in the Garden of Eden.

2. We are in need of a Saviour to return to Father God and to wholeness – This is the good news of the gospel.

3. A spiritual “born again” experience is necessary to understand the true purpose   and nature of life.

4. God chose the cross of Jesus Christ to reconcile us with Him.

5. We stand before a holy God in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

6. Eternal life, rewards and the punishment of the wicked.

7. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and Guide.

8. There are only two kingdoms beyond this physical dimension.

19. The Bible is the Guide Book given by Father God.

 So how did you do on this little quiz about the Foundations of your Christian beliefs?  If you have questions, leave me a comment or do your own Bible study on the topics you didn’t understand.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author




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