6/27 A Summary on the Counterfeit Religious System

So far in our Blog on the Challenges to Christianity, we have been looking at the fifth issues Jesus Followers must face – that of the Counterfeit Religious System.  Jesus and the Apostle Paul warned us that there were be imitations of the real Good news. 

They warmed such groups would come who would aim for the power and glory as a selfish ambition for recognition beyond what the Holy Spirit would give.  The major aim would be to draw people away from the truth in Jesus’ message of grace versus works. 

There would be some who brought legalism, ‘religion’ and rules not set by Jesus.  As we have pointed out so far, we can find all kinds of such teachings.  Replacing the simplicity of the Gospel of Good News with ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’ has become our challenge to the Christian faith today as well.

We journey through some terms in defining what we mean by ‘the Church’ and saw that the Bride is Jesus Followers.  The Church is the group of people who have accepted His love and sacrifice rather than a building or a set denomination. We traced the traditions of the Jewish wedding as the model we find in being a Jesus Follower.

We have also looked at various readers’ opinion about the organised, religious ‘church’ as a way of seeing where the hearts of His people are today.  Many have pointed to the need to ‘do church better’, to get back to the methods used in the book of Acts as a way forward.

It is this claim that we investigate in our next section.  We shall put the ‘Emerging Church’ further under investigation to see if there is merit it these claims.  Words like ‘compromise’, out-of-date leadership, even abusive leadership have been presented in our blog.

Where is the group known as the Christian Church going?  What do we need to reach the modern world in the years of 2000’s?  Have we failed to engage the youth around us or are the traditions of doing church getting in the way of finding Jesus Christ?

We shall touch on some of these issues as we continue with the topic of ‘the Emerging Church and its reality in our world today.  So join us for Part Three: ‘The Emerging Church – Continuum of Beliefs’.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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