6/40 Guest Post: No religion can Save you

The following is a Guest Post from http://www.dare2share.org/students/good-news-for-bruno-mars/#sthash.oKYmBHXl.dpuf

There’s no religion that could save me……No matter how long my knees  are on the floor

Fact is, no religion can save anyone. Not in this life or the life to come. Do you know why?

The term ‘religion’ comes from the Latin religio – which means “to bind back”.  So every religion – no matter what its title – has in common a way for people to bind themselves back to God. Religion is humanity’s search for God through humanly invented ways, such as good works and/or religiously adhering to a list of rules, rituals and regulations.

When you think about it, that makes sense. Jesus lived a perfect life – in other words he kept the list and earned salvation for us. So how much of a slap in the face to God is the idea that we can be good enough or work hard enough to merit a right relationship with God?

That’s a bit like saying to Jesus, “Thank you for dying on the cross…but I don’t think that was enough. I’ll just throw in my good works to finish the deal.”

That’s why these truths from God’s Word is the line in the sand between religion and a relationship with God:

When God our Saviour revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy (Titus 3:5, NIV).

But we know that God accepts only those who have faith in Jesus Christ. No one can please God by simply obeying the Law. So we put our faith in Christ Jesus, God accepted us because of our faith (Galatians 2:16, ESV).

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it (Ephesians 2:8-9, NLT).

Can you imagine what heaven would be like if we all could work our way there? I seriously don’t want to spend eternity listening to how great people think they are…don’t we have that enough down here?

….and the best news is that since salvation is a free gift, you don’t have the lifelong worry from religion that you might not make it. Religious people can be the most uptight, stressed out folks in the world because they think their eternal souls depend on it.

So if you’re in a relationship with religion right now, break up as soon as you can and find freedom in trusting Jesus Christ for salvation. You won’t need morphine at your door, because He fills the void that no human or drug or experience can. And when people see you walk with Christ on a daily basis, THE Cause will rain on your world and people will find what they’ve been seeking all their lives!

Adapted from:  http://www.dare2share.org/students/goodnewsforbrunomars/#sthash.oKYmBHXl.dpuf


Conclusions by the Author:  Many of the comments of the Emerging church would echo the remarks of the first century believers. Most of them were caught in false religious, pagan systems as well as the traditional synagogues.

It fact this has been the cry of the Jesus followers down through church history .  It was cried the loudest as each ‘protesting’ group broke away from the resections of ‘religiosity’ to find truth.

This was the heart-felt need that sparked the Charismatic movement in the 70 and 80’s, of the hippies who wanted reality rather than just a form of religion.  So please don’t just claim it’s a ‘new movement’ by gen x or y.  It is the heart cry by all who follow Jesus!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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