7/36 Christian Foundations asks ‘Why Hear God?’

diary  As we continue with our series on Slave to Bride of Christ. we want to spend another post on the need to hear from our Creator.  So why hear God?  Weren’t we born with a brain to be able to think for ourselves?  Why do we need this outside direction when we are living our life in the here and now?  Why do we need to involved even listening to God?

A. Of course, because God created us to have relationship with Him, He expects us to do our part.  Ignoring this for a moment, what can YOU get out of hearing God?

    1. To build Relationship with Him (Genesis 3:8, John 10:27, Matthew 10:20)

a. Quality – worship

b. Quantity – all day, every day (1 Thes 5:17).  Not just at a specified time.

  1. For Cleansing and Healing

a. You heard the Conviction versus the enemy’s Condemnation (John 16:8, Rom. 8:1)

b. To receive the Gift of Repentance (Matthew 9:13, 2 Timothy 2:25, Romans 2:4)

c. Forgiving yourself, because He forgave you (1 John 1:9)

  1. For Salvation through Jesus the Christ (Acts 26:18)
  2. For Guidance

a. The Holy Spirit is our ‘Prophet’ now

b. For direction (Acts 16:9) DF test. re buying Burwood

c. To teach us (John 14:26, 16:13)

d. For Godly Wisdom (1 Cor. 2:6-16, Eph. 1:17-18)

e. To get His help (DF test re oil cap)

f. For using Spiritual Gifts to bless others (1 Cor. 12:1-11)

g. For the teaching and edification of others (Mat. 10:20)

B. The following are some of the ways that the Lord talks to His people today.  Can you think of the ways He speaks to you? dove1

1.  The PEACE of the Holy Spirit, an inner witness, calmness or tranquillity, Romans 8:16,

1 Corinthians 3:16, Galatians 4:6, 1 John 3:24, 4:13, 5:10.

Comments: Believers down through the ages have used this as the main way to follow the Lord, especially before the Bible was translated and used by the people.

2. Through the perfection of His CREATION, His physical laws, Romans 1:19-20, Acts 14:15-17,

Psalms 19:1, 97:6

3. The WRITTEN WORD, the Bible as the written ‘logos’ of God’s principles, 2 Peter 1:20-21,

2 Timothy 3:16, Romans 8:16.

4. The RHEMA’, or the quickened Word God gives to us personally, the “aha” of understanding,

Luke 24:32, Romans 10:17, 1 John 2:27

5. The ‘STILL, QUIET VOICE’ within our spirit, a thought or spontaneous impression, 2 Samuel 23:2,

1 Kings 19:12, Isaiah 30:21, Luke 21:15, John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 2:13, Acts 10:19, 1 John 2:27.

6. Through DREAMS, VISIONS, pictures, Acts 10:1-3, 9:10-12, Revelation 9:17, Joel 2:28

7. The 9 GIFTS of the Holy Spirit, given to build up the body of Christ: Tongues, prophecy,

interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirits, healings and miracles, words of wisdom and knowledge, 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 all, Acts 21:4

8. The AUDIBLE VOICE of the Lord, Acts 19:3-6, 26:13-15

9.  Messages through ANGELS, Matthew 28:2, Acts 8:26, 10:3

Comments: This must be used with all the other ways to hear from the Lord.  Many of the cult groups around have been started because someone believed they heard from an angel.

10. Through the CIRCUMSTANCES of life, like open and shut doors, Romans 8:14, 28

11. Through the WISE COUNCIL of those in authority over me, Hebrews 13:17, Galatians 6:1,

1 Peter 5:5, 1 John 4:6.

Comments: the advice of others is to be used as conformation of what the Lord has already said to you rather than to the the direct ‘telling you wht to do’ advice of man.

C. So what does the ‘still, quiet voice’ of God sound like?

That is a good question.  We actually have ‘3 kinds of voices’ in our head.  These go round and round and it is sometimes hard to sort out which is which:

1. Thoughts that are condemning, guilty and accusing, pulling down self worth thoughts – from ______________.  These we have to learn to recognise and not feed into or allow them to grow!

2. Encouraging, positive, affirming and gently leading thoughts – from ____________________.  This is what we are after as Jesus Followers.

3. Self-Talk thoughts – habit thoughts, logical – “It’s going to rain and I have to get the wash off the line.”  …. Plus thoughts others have said about us, thoughts woven into our inner being.  These we also have to learn to monitor and make sure these thoughts match what the Word says about us.

Deb's baptism

So what are the thoughts and voice of God to you?  It is a spontaneous thought that comes to you as you did not ‘create’ the thought.  If you ignore it, God’s voice will come back.  It has characteristics of ‘colour’, warmth, peace, encouragement, ‘weight’, ‘solidity’, truth, an ‘aha’ feeling.  You will get a ‘quickened’ word to your spirit or a “knowing that I know” sense.

D. Common blockages to hearing from God

1. Unbelief that God exists or speaks (Hebrews 3:12)

2. Fear of the Lord’s disapproval – guilt, low self-esteem.

3. No desire to hear from Father God.  The heart is stony and hard, unyielding and uninterested in what the Lord wants to say (Hebrews 3:15).

4. Ignorance that God wants to speak, that it is even possible to hear.

5. Wrong teaching such as:  “It’s not for today.”

6. Lack of discipline, “It takes too much effort.”  (Hearing His voice can be like learning any new skill; it often takes practice and perseverance.)

7. Lack of concentration in a busy world.  The mind is not still enough to hear that quiet voice (Psalms 46:10).  Believers don’t hang on to what He has said long enough to plant it into their hearts (Matthew 13:5+6).

8. We didn’t apply what He told us already.  Our rebellion stops us from hearing Him (1 Samuel 15:23).

9. People fear that their loving Father God might ask them to do something that they won’t want to do (Jonah).

10. Others doubt that Jesus is able to protect them from the enemy, a ‘little god’ mentality.

11. The logical mind overrules spiritual thoughts (1 Corinthians 2:13).

13. Pride, self-will or self-reliance:  “I can do it myself.  I don’t need God.”

14. Involvement in the Occult, secret societies or ritualistic clubs – which cause Satan to have legal rights to interfere (Exodus 20:5).

15. Husbands who abuse their wives hinder their own prayers. (1 Peter 3:7).

16. Harsh treatment by our earthly father can block the Heavenly Father’s voice, so “I don’t really trust God, my heavenly Father, to treat me well.” (Luke 11:9).

17. Feeling the need to perform, to strive to hear Him.  We try too hard!

Some Practice for you:

  1. Ask the Lord to give you a picture – or words – as to how He sees your Heart.  Write and record what your vision looked like, or what Jesus said to you.  What does He want to do with your precious Heart?
  2. Repent of any barriers you still have to Hearing God more clearly based on the conviction of the Holy Spirit as you read the list of 17 things above.
  3. Ask Jesus to talk to you about increasing your prayer time with Him or improving your spiritual disciplines.

To find out more about Hearing from God, come and visit: www.hearinggod.mentorsnotebook.com/blog

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author




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